Sharing a great article about cycling and meditation. 

Meditation does have great value to enrich our lives. 

I find the solitude of an very early morning or very late evening ride to reflect and clear the mind. How do you exercise your mind to achieve center in your life  through your cycling rides?

Photo Credit: Tom A.K. copyright 2012

"Meditation allows us to understand ourselves. By meditating, we can begin to see what creates suffering in our lives, and what brings happiness and peace. When we see these things we begin to make better choices. And when we make better choices we become happier."

7-2-18 Article by Wade Wallace,

Meditation can be done individually when one finds the proper ocassion and time for introspection. It doesn't have to be similar to a yoga class group, but it could be sometimes. No group event is planned. 

"There's got to be . . . " (2:32)

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I'm a huge fan of meditation.  Thanks for posting this.

You're welcome dav! Maybe we should schedule a few early am meditation rides on the LFT  for Chainlink members who are feeling stressed. There's obviously more than a few so this could be a well-attended ride in town if they show. Just an idea. Anyways, keep meditating and always, keep on pedaling !

photo credit: Tom A.K. c 2011 

Ever since I started doing yoga regularly, the road rage on my bicycle commutes is greatly minimized. Riding the lakefront path early in the morning also is a nice meditative cruise.

Yes it is Juan. What do you think of a group early morning sunrise meditation ride? Or would we Chainlinkers just get on each other's nerves like usual. :-)


Very true. I have not ridden the LFP during the sunrise since the Late Ride days. There was a group sort of awe and then a bit of a meditative moment on our way back to the start for breakfast.

Where to start?

Oh no! So sorry. glad you survived.


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