"The Chicago developer's plan includes a connection to The 6O6 elevated trail west of the Lincoln Yards."
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Since 2011, it's been a thing many would like to see come together. Let's see who makes it happen.

Credit to Ald. Hopkins who has been pushing hard for this since he took office.


Yes, the alderman is a Chainlink member and friend. I will post the next Bike the 2nd Ward with Alderman Brian Hopkins event when it's determined. Should be on early Sunday morning in May 2018.

I hope the plans also include reopening access along Southport between Clyborn and Courtland. That was a vital cycling link between Wicker Park and north lakefront neighborhoods.

Bike The 2nd Ward with Alderman Brian Hopkins event probably on Sunday 7am, May 13th or 20th. Will confirm.

It's called the bike-lobster ward from the past ward map gerrymandering.


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