Suzy Schnauzer, the little dog who rode thousands of miles with Kathy Schubert and wore a little helmet, has passed away due to cancer. She will be honored at a Memorial to be held at Kathy's home this Friday night, September 22nd. If you have known Suzy in the past and wish to pay your respects, write to and she will provide the address.
If you wish to donate in her memory, the place is Chicago Canine Rescue, 5272 N. Elston or That's where Kathy found Suzy, waiting 5 months to be adopted eight wonderful years ago. Suzy brought joy and caused shutters to click wherever she went. She raised money for CCRF as she rode Ragbrai in Iowa eight times.
She appeared on the cover of the Sun-Times wearing her helmet to set a good example on Bike to Work week eight years ago.
She will not be able to attend the 30th anniversary ride of Chicago Critical Mass, but you can be there. It's Friday, Sept 29th starting at 5:30PM at Daley Plaza.
aw - sorry to hear about this Kathy! Suzy was always a bright spot at rallies and other occasions. Thanks for giving her a good life and for sharing her with us!
Oh, Kathy, I'm sorry to hear it. She brought a lot of joy to so many.
Thanks to all who have sent condolences. I keep thinking I hear her in my house, but it's only the smoke detector asking for replacement and other non-canine sounds.
I will get another schnauzer, preferably white because I've had all the other color Schauzers, definitely rescue. I will foster her (definitely a her) until I see whether she is willing to ride on my bicycle. Before I even start searching I will take a bike trip with an organization who won't allow dogs or in Israel where I was once warned by a U S Customs employee that it's difficult to bring a dog into Israel. Anybody out there want to join me on which starts on October 31st? If I do that one I'll be looking for pledges. The ride comes recommended by Julie Hochstadter who has done it twice.
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