"Time To Focus On Bikes, Not Cars, Cook County Transit Plan Says"

According to a county news release, the plan makes plain that "bicycles and pedestrians should be a priority, and new development should include accommodations for both.

Whitehead said it would potentially address a long-term "funding disparity" in support for cyclists and pedestrians.

"The overall majority of transportation funding is being spent on roads and highways," he said. "We're advocating for increased sidewalk spending" as well as "increased spending on biking.

"We know that in the City of Chicago, a relatively low-cost investment — protected bike lanes and off-street trails — can make a real difference in terms of growing cycling around the city and around the region," Whitehead added. "The county is taking the position that biking, walking and transit need to be prioritized over moving vehicles as quickly as possible. That's an important line in the sand."


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Is there a link you can share? Thanks.

Yup, that's it. I added it shortly after. I was out on a ride so I didn't get a chance to add a comment as well. 

This is really great news.

I'm kind hoping that Tony Preckwinkle will run for mayor of Chicago next time around, but I was unclear about how good she would be for bikes. Sounds like she has a sensible pro-bike and pro-transit stance. 

:-) Pro-bikes is always a good thing. 

I think it's going to be Tom Dart instead.

How is he with cycling issues?


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