MSI has a new exhibit that you all might enjoy: the Art of the Bicycle.  It just opened, and it will be there a while.  Has anyone gone to see it yet?  

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Sounds like a field trip to me!

I was thinking of scheduling a club ride there in the near future.

I saw it on Friday. I was not aware of it beforehand and was pleasantly surprised when I walked into that section. They went mainstream with a couple of the modern selections, but that Surly Moonlander looked great. I really enjoyed the vintage bikes. I was in a hurry, so I couldn't stay as long as I would have liked. It was a nice exhibit, but I don't know if I would pay the cost of admission for just this. On the other hand, MSI is awesome and this is a great reason to visit the classic exhibits if it has been a long time since you've been there.
It will be there thru 2018(!). So no need to hurry.

MSI has occasional free days. Monday June 3rd thru Friday June 7th are all free days! I've got some vacation time that I have to use before June 30th or lose it. Haven't been there since my kids were kids and now they have kids of their own. Hmmmm, intriguing.....

Thanks for posting this, Anne. As an artist, history nerd and bicycle geek this is manna for me.

Club ride would be fun, and it is such an easy ride down there! The museum is worth it under any circumstances.

Anne Alt said:

I was thinking of scheduling a club ride there in the near future.


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