I should probably have zoomed in to make it less obvious....  

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come on Julie,that's so EZ!!
it's a cool rack though! And yes, this first one was easy.  Anyone else want to play this game?
I wish I knew.  That's a beautiful spot - cool racks, too.
Ok, I give up. Where is it?
It's in Chicago
Isn't that in Lincoln Park?

My entry:

Jackson Park

Lincoln Park Farm in the Zoo Nature Boardwalk.


What do I win? ;)

Yeah, there's the park, and there's the neighborhood. Definitely more than one bridge in both, though.


I remember when one of the ER characters said something about being at "the intersection of Clark and LaSalle", and Chicagoans cried foul because those two streets run parallel. In fact, true Chicago geeks knew that the streets eventually do intersect at 1700 north.

It's the southwest corner of the South Pond in the Lincoln Park area near Stockton and Wisconsin.





Lincoln Park the actual Park Starts up in Uptown Foster and the lake, I believe it goes all the way along LSD to The Chicago History Museum.
Ok ill find another cool one today.

Eric said:

It's the southwest corner of the South Pond in the Lincoln Park area near Stockton and Wisconsin.






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