So what is it that makes you stare a bit too long while riding?

It could be bike porn, a cute blond, a car, cool architecture...

Mine is easy - Dogs. Puppies are the worst, I have almost crashed a couple of times over those cute 4 legged furry creatures.

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It's not april 1st yet..... although we had a llama at my summer camp one summer, in Michigan actually.

h3 said:
Particularly, Michigan llamas.

Well my choice of distraction is either joggers or cute female bikers...I seem to gravitate towards the brunettes more than the most...

it has been well established in group called Nightcrew that h3 is a little odd at best...But this a totally new angle to me...


h3 said:

Particularly, Michigan llamas.

What you never heard of the dolly llama?

Ali said:
it has been well established in group called Nightcrew that h3 is a little odd at best...But this a totally new angle to me...


h3 said:

Particularly, Michigan llamas.

can you all stop hijacking this discussion and answer my simple question? If you really want someone can start a discussion on llamas. maybe even this one that apparently liked to ride bikes...

sorry, couldn't resist

Julie Hochstadter said:
can you all stop hijacking this discussion and answer my simple question? If you really want someone can start a discussion on llamas. maybe even this one that apparently liked to ride bikes...

Miniskirts. I am like a moth drawn to a flame.
I have had two crashes caused by architecture i was trying to photograph. Does that count?
Biker babes or unique bikes along with crimes in progress like fights, armed robbery, muggins, bikes/cars being stolen, people being beat by the police for doing stupid things. The things that you normaly see when out night riding.
of course that counts!

Lee Diamond said:
I have had two crashes caused by architecture i was trying to photograph. Does that count?
These days, something along these lines:


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