Quick question:
I am looking to ride up the North Branch trail and connect to the Des Plaines River Trail. At what point can I do that? Church road?
Is the DPRT reliably rideable at that point?

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Riding up to Wisconsin, my route to the DesPlaines River Trail:


North Branch Trail to the Botanic Garden, west to Skokie Valley Bike Path, north to North Shore Bike Path, west to the DesPlaines River Trail.

When is the DesPlaines River trail navigable? Go the Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service


You'll need to zoom in and mouse around but there are several points along the river where you can find the water level and get some idea how likely the flooding is.

I hope this helps.

I do the same Route as Bob all the time.  It is not bad at all.  But the DPRT does flood quite a bit, especially at underpasses.  

How's that stretch of Lake Cook Rd. between the Botanic Garden and the Skokie Valley trail?  Do you ride the road or the sidewalk?

I cross at the light exiting the Botanic Garden but then ride (carefully) on the sidewalk until the bridge crossing over Skokie Hwy. 

The road is mostly narrow two-lane, not really suitable for bike riding.

Thanks!  I can't imagine riding that stretch of Lake Cook except maybe at midnight.  It's a highway.  Good to know there's a way from there over to the trail!  I'm going to try that next time I'm up that way.  (I go up the Green Bay Trail because it's better from my house.)

This is the connecting route I use. It's better in that the entrance to the Express way is only on the south side of the road.

Note: I only have ridden this on weekend mornings. It was very doable at those times.

That's a good one, too.  Clavey is probably fine for riding there, if I'm remembering right.

Agreeing here. From the Botanic Garden going east, you have a dedicated bike trail along Lake Cook to the Green Bay/North Shore/McClory. Then, more trail to the E/W along rt 176. to the DPR. It's a little longer, but, you can fully avoid LC traffic.

Which road is rt 176?

ILL route 176 runs west from Lake Bluff. It's also know as Rockland Rd. The trail runs along the south side and intersects the DesPlaines River trail on the east side of the river,just before you get to Libertyville.

Got it. That is way to far north. You basically skip the entire DPRT. Look at my other reply for an entry much further south that i found quite enjoyable

I think I found a good connection from NBT to DPRT not too far north from the city. I rode it last Monday (President's day). Mainly residential roads, with traffic controls at almost all big intersections.

Lehigh Ave to Beckwith Rd. to Church St. to Ballard Rd.

I would recommend it.


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