Time: June 14, 2014 from 4pm to 11pm
Location: Richard's Bar
Street: 491 N Milwaukee
City/Town: Chicago
Event Type: drinking, and, yelling
Organized By: Vilda
Latest Activity: Jun 14, 2014
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491 N Milwaukee, Richard's Bar, is gonna be the start spot!
Let's get together and watch this rolling train wreck go by!
Also that was supposed to be a Fred Willard pic
Howard!!! I am just seeing this! I hope you come to the Go #$&% festivity! Then we can have 2 former Chiefs in one place that had to deal with the complete ineptitude, back stabbing, lying, and other nonsense that went with dealing with the organizers that have since scattered to the wind cause they don't want to be deemed as organizers. (cause let's face it, they never were.)
Vilda has decided to hide the list of guests.
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