Time: February 23, 2017 from 7pm to 10pm
Location: Emporium Arcade - Logan Square
Street: 2363 N Milwaukee Ave.
City/Town: Chicago, IL
Website or Map: http://emporiumchicago.com/lo…
Event Type: social, fun, chainlink bar night, bar night
Organized By: The Chainlink
Latest Activity: Feb 23, 2017
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Make sure to go to the Logan Square location (NOT Wicker park)! We'll have a few free tokens for everyone to help get your game night started.
100+ cans & bottles of beer (lots of craft beer choices)
24 arcade games
3 shuffle bowlers
13 pinball machines
6 pool tables
1 shuffle board
3 Foosball tables
3 Air hockey tables
Don't forget! This is the Logan Square location, NOT in Wicker Park! That's the other one. :-) See you tonight!
Hungry? This will be a BYOFood event. There's good food nearby and Emporium said we can bring our own food in since they don't have the taco truck on Thursdays.
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