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Hi Megan! Welcome!
Lots of rides on the calendar and we'll be adding The Chainlink group rides starting in early spring. In the meantime, a great way to meet fellow cyclists is to come to the Chainlink bar night. There's one coming up soon:
If you are interested in learning about our team (racing & riding), we have an info session tomorrow:
Hope that helps!
Hi, Megan! Welcome to Chicago, Chainlink, and to the broader cycling community of our city! -Kevin
Welcome toThe Chainlink
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Join The Chainlink
Hi Megan! Welcome!
Lots of rides on the calendar and we'll be adding The Chainlink group rides starting in early spring. In the meantime, a great way to meet fellow cyclists is to come to the Chainlink bar night. There's one coming up soon:
If you are interested in learning about our team (racing & riding), we have an info session tomorrow:
Hope that helps!
Hi, Megan! Welcome to Chicago, Chainlink, and to the broader cycling community of our city! -Kevin