I sent this to the BW email list too--sorry for the doubling up.

Heya folks,

The recent temperature dip and Miguel's complaints about being cold in the bike seat remind me that Bike Fall is around the corner. Wind burned ears can lower the spirits of our fellow cyclists and knock them out of the saddle, preventing them from appreciating the beauty of Bike Winter.

We can stop the wind in its tracks with our traditional fall flurry of fleece. I and others (you?) will start off by making gaitors to give away at autumn events, including the 9/15 UnHappy Hour at Quenchers and the 9/22 Bike Winter Kick-off.

How can you help?
--Do you already have extra ear gators and balaclavas from years past? Bring them to the kick off to help with distribution.
--Do you have extra fleece? Save it up for TBA "no-sweatshops" or arrange to get it to me or Willow.
--Do you have sewing skills and a machine? Let me know so we can get production humming.
--Need a copy of a pattern and tips? I'll bring to the 9/15 and 9/22 events.
--Or, of course, just do your own thang!

If you already have your ears covered, consider helping with in-between event distribution.  I often carry an extra gaitor in my bag so that when I meet a cyclist in a store, at a mutual friend's house, etc, and talk turns to all year biking (who me? guide the conversation?) , I can give them a fleece goodie on the spot. I often hear back from them that it made a difference getting through their first season. Sometimes the people who come to events are the usual suspects (uh, us!) who don't always need so much support. Our job is to spot those faltering cyclists in the wild and help them out.

Oh yeah, the coffee seems to be kicking in ;-)

Don't let bike fall bring you down!


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Replies to This Discussion

Liz--how does the following weekend look? What neighborhood are you in?
The following weekend would be fine for me, I live in Humbolt Park.

Gin said:
Liz--how does the following weekend look? What neighborhood are you in?
How about this: Let's have the first fleece cutting party of the season at Liz's Sunday 10/17 at noon. I will bring fleece, patterns, advice, etc. Also, maybe we can make a production plan for the seaon, and think about other times/places to get the cutting done. Off hand, I know Niki, Kathy and Laila have offered to host.

Niki--can you bring some of your cutting tools? Liz, if this date works for you, do you mind putting a chainlink event up? If you don't want to post your address, you can have people email for more details. Maybe just put the neighborhood.



That sounds good to me, I'll create the event, and message out the address to guests.

Gin said:
How about this: Let's have the first fleece cutting party of the season at Liz's Sunday 10/17 at noon. I will bring fleece, patterns, advice, etc. Also, maybe we can make a production plan for the seaon, and think about other times/places to get the cutting done. Off hand, I know Niki, Kathy and Laila have offered to host.

Niki--can you bring some of your cutting tools? Liz, if this date works for you, do you mind putting a chainlink event up? If you don't want to post your address, you can have people email for more details. Maybe just put the neighborhood.



Hey guys, We've got lots of fleece cut, but now we need some sewing.

I do not own a sewing machine, so it would be great if someone who does would be willing to pick up some cut fleece to sew or could loan me their machine or some time at their machine. The goal is to get lots of gators and ear warmer and a few balacavas ready for the October critical mass and marauders.
I can do some sewing! I was doing quite a bit of it this weekend while working on a Halloween costume.

Sorry I wasn't able to come to the party!

Liz said:
Hey guys, We've got lots of fleece cut, but now we need some sewing.

I do not own a sewing machine, so it would be great if someone who does would be willing to pick up some cut fleece to sew or could loan me their machine or some time at their machine. The goal is to get lots of gators and ear warmer and a few balacavas ready for the October critical mass and marauders.
Ok, so Jami is taking 1 batch of fleece to sew, I'm still looking for another volunteer so that everyone has managable piles of fleece. Any takers? If you have a machine but don't want to use it, I'd be willing to sew and give it back to you.
I finished up my batch of fleece (finally!) and am ready for more! Do we have another cutting party scheduled? I think having a sewing machine at the party would be great. Once I got my tension right, doing the trimming and whatnot took a lot longer than the actual stitching.

My machine is pretty portable, so I can bring it if I can make it to the event.
If there is more fleece around that needs some sewing I can help with that. My machine is set up and back in use for the first time in a few years.

My ability to attend a cutting party might be limited (childcare issues) but I would love to help out if help is needed. I could handle a batch of fleece in need of sewing and could drop it off with whoever is the receiver...
Hiya folks,

I reckon we have already distributed 100? 200? more gaitors this season at various events. Yee-ha!

I was wondering if one or some of you would be willing to volunteer to be the "Chief of Fleece" this season. I know Willow is on call to help out with production and many other people have volunteered to help. I suspect we need someone to act as a point person to keep the production humming and products moving, esp at some of the upcoming events. Joanne's is having another big sale, so I will get some more fleece this week, buy I can not commit to doing a lot more production until we get the Bike Winter website further along.

So. .. anyone?

Some questions to get us going:
1) Who has finished work that needs distributing?
2) Who has fleece that needs cutting?
3) Who has cut fleece that needs sewing?
4) What upcoming events should we target for distribution? How do we make sure we get pieces into the hands of people who will be at the events?

Assuming we get some affirmatives to 2 and 3, who is up for organizing some cutting and sewing events? I am happy to help out--just should not be the lead.


I have a good amount of fleece i bought at a thrift store a couple of weeks ago that I am going to give willow tonight.


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