Anton's Comments

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At 2:48pm on February 23, 2009, natesos said…
Yeah, I'm thinking the winter got the best of us. Are you riding Friday?
At 5:40am on October 2, 2008, Ammo said…
going to bar night tonight?
At 10:42am on September 20, 2008, Vilda said…
Hola senor, how go's it in Chicago?? You meetin' more peeps and gettin' more involved?:-) Hope all is well.
At 8:14am on September 18, 2008, Bikefreeek said…

check out West Town Bikes when you have the chance. Open Shop is a good one to be introduced to WTB. Tuesday nights, 7-10pm and Saturdays, 12 noon - 6pm. I look forward to meeting you.

At 7:18am on September 18, 2008, Ammo said…
going to the Maurauder's ride this saturday? Looks fun, beers and a late night ride.
At 4:08pm on September 15, 2008, Brice said…
The girl friend just left... so we need to ride some. But any ways there is the New Belgium ride on the 28 of sep. it looks like it will be fun. any ways just hit me up and we can go learn some new streets.
At 4:21am on September 15, 2008, jessiejane said…
Yeah, you're right...wasn't so bad.
Downtown to Portage Park
At 3:07pm on September 13, 2008, Julie Aberman (Hochstadter) said…
Nice meeting you the other night and congrats again on moving up in the world of tetris!
At 10:25am on September 12, 2008, jessiejane said…
I'm a little bummed...thinking about riding home in this drizzle
At 6:49am on September 12, 2008, Leah said…
hey! glad you could make it last night. i'll book you and brice for a skid stop lesson soon :)
At 6:02am on September 12, 2008, Ammo said…
good to meet you last night...and ride for like...2 minutes =)
At 10:20am on September 11, 2008, Brice said…
cool well tanks for the invite and all of the info! i have class till 9 so I might make it depending.
At 11:53am on September 10, 2008, Brice said…
Thanks man. Also do you know what time it starts?
At 5:59am on September 9, 2008, Brice said…
And O yea do you have to be 21 because I am only 19.. I know it is a shitty as it sounds.
At 5:59am on September 9, 2008, Brice said…
ea cooper lived of pearl st. and Louis and petter stanley with all of there tall bike madness. I was riding ether a orange Masi then or My Pista concept then. To answer your question I am studying Sculpture mainly but am planing to do a little of every thing. what time on thursday? that is my busiest day for classes but I would love to come!! What did you move to Chicago for?
At 6:47pm on September 8, 2008, Brice said…
Yea I went on the rides all the time... what a small world. I talked to Drew (he was sorta in-charge/organizer road a steamroller orange deep V) like 2 days ago and he said they has 112 people last Tues. did you ever ride on Tues. nights? But andy ways yea I will give you a call some time or you can hit me up 214-277-2626.

and ps check out the new COG mang denton has got a 2 page spread about 1/2 way through.
At 2:50pm on September 8, 2008, Brice said…
Just moved to Chicago from Denton like 5 days ago and am looking for some new riding friends. I am living in the loop and would love to ride any time. Hit me up on my wall if you are interested or jot me an e-mail!!
At 2:46pm on September 8, 2008, Vilda said…
I stand corrected...Snoop to Church meaning the same thing and made it Chuch...Oh those wierd Rappers :-)
At 1:56pm on September 7, 2008, Vilda said…
I think that's church.
At 1:44pm on September 7, 2008, Vilda said…
What's a chuch?

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