

Chicago IL

United States

Profile Information:

What I ride:
Road, Mountain, Fixed Gear
The kind of riding I do:
Recreational, Commuting, Around Town, Distance
What brings you to The Chainlink?
Connect with biking friends
About me:
Though I have many bikes, my current love is my Long Haul Trucker. Whenever I can, I ride the 40 mile round-trip from Chicago to Northbrook for work. While mostly a commuter, I also enjoy recreational rides, rolling as far away as Wisconsin or Indiana.
My first bike:
My first bike was vintage 20" with hard rubber tires. It's what I learned to ride on. Don't have any pictures of the beast, but it served me well.

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  • Mully

    Hey Chucko, thanks for the props on my are correct sir, an ANT it is. Got it about six months ago and it's dialed in nicely now, like riding a custom built stick of butter around town.
    Ride safe,
  • Bob

    Cool,,funny when we cross like that through other websites. Keep it up on the mileage, have to say I've been slacking lately, but I still have a few miles left in me before the year is overwith.
  • Frosinone

    hi chucko ... yeah I figured since most of the chainlinkers have all their face pictures showing (including you) I should not be the one "rugged individualist". I am a little more scared that craigslist has more weirdos than a cycling only social network, so there we are. Anyway today's Saturday so I am skating this morning at the Bicentennial rink (FREE !!!) while my wife spends time with some photography clients ... FYI I don't spend that much time here on chainlink so please be patient if I don't reply right away, esp. considering the holiday activity .. talk to you soon