Julie Aberman (Hochstadter)


Chicago, IL

United States

Profile Information:

What I ride:
Road, Cyclocross, Hybrid
The kind of riding I do:
Recreational, Exercise, Commuting, Around Town, Distance, Social, My job involves biking, My business involves biking
What brings you to The Chainlink?
I love biking!

Comment Wall:

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  • Seth Solway

    Hey you!  I think that last night was the end of the jetlag -- it's been lingering for waaay to long!  Are you back to work yet?  Whatcha doing for tonight??
  • Aaron Wilson

  • Slow Bicycle Society

    Yey! Are you riding sunday?
  • Rene Lawell

    Which event? I have them all for one day only.

    Tour De Chicago, and bike the drive. These are the only two events I have out there. I have not posted my overnight rides yet in the chainlink only the  one day rides.


    Are you signed up for the Tour De Chicago yet?


  • Mark Weitekamper

    Hi Julie - I'll call sometime to see how you do things....
  • Josh

    Nice to meet you too! Now I have friends to commiserate with me and my bike collecting habit!
  • nolanfinn

    Hey Julie, Nice meeting you on RAGBRAI - hope the heat and hills treated you right.
  • lauren eg

    Hey Julie, I am still working out with some friends if the Bike In is still happening for us tonight. I will try to let you know by 6:30 or so, but would otherwise love to help out. Let me know if there's a better way to reach you around then if not through here.
  • Chris Ritter

    Hi Julie - there's always hope! I mainly wanted to respond to the community regarding a complaint about the business I manage in the forum. But, as I mentioned in my post, my company offers a bicycle reimbursement that I need to take advantage of, so I may be two-wheeling before you know it!
  • Bill Zalenski

    Hello! Great to meet you.... hope you had a great ride!
  • Cheryl

    It is Cheryl! Yay, I have 2 friends now!
  • Cheryl

    That would be great!
  • Gene Himelstein

    This is Gene, I tried but couldnt log in. I am in 60640 Zip code.

    I put sound systems, lights and accessories on bikes, and love to ride.

  • Ron Maskell

    Thanks for the invitation to join your group, Julie.

    Ron Maskell (Brisbane, Queensland, Australia)

  • Amber K

  • Joe Torres

    Found this one too:


    2010 Northbrook CX

  • Joe Torres

    You are hardcore girl!!!

  • S.Presley☠

  • Kenneth C. Goetz

    Julie I am k_goetz@yahoo.com  Ken Goetz

  • Kenneth C. Goetz

    Nice bike.  I had a mishap last Thursday.  Riding into McDonald's there was a glaze of ice on the driveway and my tires went airborne.  The dx is an ankle fx R.  Going to Hines tomorrow for FU  (follow up).

  • James Hartman

    I will keep that date in mind.

    indoor training!in my living room with my new anti vibration pad!

  • noemi schlosser

    great, thanks so much! hope to meet you there, maybe with Melissa Simon?

  • Sarah D

    Julie, you can reach me at 217.822.0822
  • Nick Boin

    Thanks it was great meeting you too! How did you know it was me btw?

  • Lanterne Rouge

    Hey, the pens look good! That's awesome that there is a temporary tattoo coming soon, too..I'll have to swing over to the other side of the building and have a look!

  • Eric Joel

    sweet, tks for the help, your going to love my chainlink tattoo
  • Shannon J. English

    Any riders interested in training?
  • Pablo Bottari-Tower

    Hi Julie, I'd be happy to share my experiences of being car free on the northwest side. Thanks for creating this online community.



  • David S. Kato

    Hi Julie.  I'm glad Ari liked the session.  

    Thanks for the shout out for help with my fork!  

  • Bob

    hey Julie,,,was just wondering about those wool jerseys i've heard about,,,how and where can we get a hold of em'?

  • Nancy Lee

    Hello Julie! I am also interested in getting one of those beautiful black wool jerseys!

  • Christopher Wallace

    Hi Julie, 

    I would like to have offer a two for one at the Bicycle Guild on all classes taken in January. I want to have more cyclist self sufficient on bicycle maintenance and repair. I would also like cyclist to bring their on the fence friends to help lift up their spirits and confidence being a cyclist.

    Should I post on a calendar or ????

    Thank you

    Christopher Wallace

    Bicycle Guild

    773 490 0683 

  • Kenneth C. Goetz

    Merry Christmas Julie,  I also am a candidate for the wool jersey.  Suggest order form?

  • Rich Scott

    Hi Julie

    Could I talk to you about bike mirrors for The Chainlink? We can make custom logo'd bike mirrors for you. Here's more info about our mirrors. They are made in the USA. They are very sturdy and stay adjusted. A Chainlink logo would look really cool on them. https://www.facebook.com/teamtigereye Call me 630-292-0044 or email me at ghreg@yahoo.com if you're interested. Thanks....Rich Scott

  • Christopher Wallace

    Hi Julie, We will have a metal smithing / lug cutting art class at the Oak Park Arts League on Chicago Ave. Their Schedule is coming out soon. I will keep you updated

  • KickStan


    Thanks for the friend add and the heads up on the ticket pre

    sale. I purchased my 2 on Friday.

  • Jim


    I could stop by NextSpace this afternoon to pick up the day pass if that would work. Or tomorrow.

  • Marcy

    Thanks for friending Jullie! Hope to ride with you soon!! 

  • Stephanie Sandhusen

    Hi Julie, Where is this event? Are you related to Dr. Bruce Hochstadter by any chance?

  • Stephanie Sandhusen

    Hi Julie - Your Dad is great !  I worked for the Noskins for many years as a dental assistant and we sent a lot of referrals to your Dad for oral surgery.  I did my CPR Training at his office in Skokie.  I love to bike, yet can't make the one downtown.  Unfortunately, I do not own a bike rack for my car.  I would love to do a ride up to the Botanic Gardens in Highland Park sometime.  I live in West Rogers Park.  Are you interested? Let me know.  I love to cycle.  I have A Road bike.


  • Nancy L. Fagin

    Hi, Julie - we looked for you at the Bike to Work Rally - I must be going blind.  

    I had the orange flag and caution/danger streamers on my trailer, I was hard to miss.


  • Nancy L. Fagin

    Dear Julie,

    Adam Clark and I were having a talk about where stolen bikes go...I do a bit of metal scraping and see the pick up trucks with walkers, refrigarators, etc and bikes.  But I don't think those guys are into stealing bikes off the street.  I have yet to really ask any one of them directly, but they do clean out basements, warehouses spaces, old houses - we had one poor goy help us remove my mom's old, old stove down a porch and into his old truck.   They don't want to go to jail.  Anyhow - just thinking where they go and who's supporting their theft.

    Nancy L. Fagin

  • Nancy L. Fagin

    Dear Julie,

    I was looking at Craigslist and notice that someone listed over 100 bikes 312/709-2400.  Is this a shop?  That's a lot of  bikes.


  • Unicyclemike


    Would you happen to have some time to talk about using ning's platform for the chain link? 

    I'm looking into it as a possible tool for bike advocacy in Pittsburgh.  Mike@bikepgh.org / unicyclemike elsewhere on the inter webs. 

  • Matt M. 18.5KM

    Congrats & good luck!
  • Bob Kastigar

    Good luck and best wishes, Julie, in your future.  i know you'll only be off the bike temporarily and we'll see you on the road again.  Maybe with a baby carrier and it won't be long before that isn't necessary.


    Thank you for all you've done for the Chainlink!

  • mike w.

    All the best, Julie! See you down the road...Don't be a stranger.

  • Bill Nedza

    Good luck, best wishes, congratulations, and may you have a fantastic 2015.  You're amazing, 

    Take Care, Bill

  • Chris Mailing

    I enjoyed working with you Julie.  Best of luck to you in your new role(s).  I wish you all the best in 2015.

    --- Chris