

Chicago, IL

United States

Profile Information:

What I ride:
The kind of riding I do:
Recreational, Exercise, Commuting, Distance, Around Town, My business involves biking
About me:
I commute to work right now and I'm going to do some centuries. I'm getting into the touring thing and have done some short camping trips and am always looking to do more!

I also do balloon twisting, though I'm NOT a clown. I'm working up my skills and am available for parties and I'll be doing deliveries of sculptures and bouquets by bike. You can check out my balloon stuff at And yes! I can make a bike out of balloons!

At Critical Mass, I usually put balloons in my helmet and ride around looking all cool.
My other websites (twitter, facebook, pinterest, Google+, blogs, etc.):

Comment Wall:

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  • Angie

    Unfortunately no. The weather did not cooperate. This weekend I am out of town! So the next weekend I can ride is the 16th and 17th so hopefully we can get something going!
  • Angie

    Drats. Just got this. I was on my southwest camping trip. Hope you had a good ride.
  • Angie

    Dang, I work Sunday the 7th. have fun on the trip to the dunes. Good catching up with ya, see ya again soon I hope!
  • shar

    uh oh... i have competition
  • o0_dan_0o

    love the photo..
  • o0_dan_0o

    prolly, most likely.. if im not working nights, but that doesnt seem like its gonna happen.
  • Hannah Bass

    Hey hot stuff. I don't know how to tag, but go check out the nice photos of your helmet creation on my page! Good ride lady!
  • Julie Wernau

    Hi Jami! It's me, the girl whose tire you pumped up in Lincoln Park. Got my bike all tuned up and totally want to do the scavenger hunt. Trying to convince my husband to be my partner but not sure he can make it. Do you think there will be other people there interested in partnering up?
  • Carlysle John

    hey! Here's the link to my stuff on etsy! we'll talk soon about your dress, I'm excited to make it.
  • Liz W. Durham

    Well Hey! I should have figured you would be on here. Seems like a great community.
  • Gin

    Thanks so much for all your help tonight--with the fleece, Miguel and the machine. I look forward to future collaborations!
  • Kelli

    you found me :) nice to meet you - how much fun was last night!?
  • Laura

    so here is a link to the seats I own. the white one is the one I have on my bike right now. Its expensive though (mine was given to me). the black one is the one on my others bikes, I actually prefer that one (it doesnt match my bike though) It fits me sooo perfectly. also look at the angle of your seat and work on moving that around. regardless I have heard great things about most of specialized seats, so look through there sight for what will for for you! just make sure you get the right size for you, they come in 3 different widths! hope this helps!!
  • Becca Adler

    hope your night went awesome. saw amelia with my friend good movie about amelia earhart
  • Becca Adler

    Hey awesome person. I still have your glue gun! Thank you so much for helping me with my cake costume was a big hit...let me know if you want pictures. It was such a big hit at the party...that some guy asked me for my phone number seriously (and I didn't even look hot in the costume...I looked like a marshmellow) =) what was even funnier was that his friend had asked me for my number the week before when I had made a full of myself at karaoke-hidden cove (obviously they don't compare notes on how weird I am). HOpe things are well for you and let me know if you are going on any rides.
  • Becca Adler

    Hey coolest jamie,
    for some reason my previous comment didn't go through. I just wanted to say thanks for helping me with my cake costume and letting me use your glu gun. Let me know if and when you want both returned. Also let me know if you are going really cool rides.
  • Courtney Bailey

    I would suggest stop at Cody's (on the corner of Barry and Paulina) on our way to Lincoln Square. Mainly because I bartend there.
  • Kelli

    I plan to!! I'm assuming you are? I think every ride should end at Hidden Cove :)
  • Kelli

    hahaha, me too...but I think I'd need a few glasses of pinot grigio to deal with them again!!
  • Becca Adler

    not sure about the northside critical mass ride...but i'm always up for karaoke...i'm thinking about going to a cocktail party on friday (because I will get free drinks which is very exciting, also there maybe attractive people at this party) do you want me to give you the info on the party?
  • Becca Adler

    hey i won't be going to the hidden cove afterward, but I will be making the ride most likely...there is also a little party I want to go to after the ride for a little bit before I go home. I also have to work tomorrow.
  • John

    Great job on NSCM tonight! Much fun had by all.
  • Aaron Bussey

    Why did this take so long?
  • Aaron Bussey

    Bet! I can't wait!
  • globalguy

    And to you as well! Mazel Tov!
  • A.K.A Paul

    Hope you werent hurting too bad on New Years Day. Did you ever find your blue back pack. As best I can remember I think you were wearing it when you were leaving. Thanks for helping me figure out screen name...
  • Spencer "Thunderball" Thayer!

    Sign up and vote for my Chainlink Jersey Design Contest entry and all of the prize money will go to Working Bikes and West Town Bikens,
  • Amber K

    Oh, yeah. I forgot about talking about that!
  • Spencer "Thunderball" Thayer!

    Thanks for the vote! I hope I win too. We'll learn today.
  • A.K.A Paul

    I thought we had already friended one another on CL? I guess not. Hello friend!
  • Michael A

    I just realized my calendar was off, so I will try to do both as well. Maybe we can meet up and ride together.
  • Andrew Bedno

    Sincerely, as I've said before, you are among the best new mapmakers and ride leaders. Hot drinks bad sweaters in particular was outstanding (but for the whim of weather). You are both as confident and as uncertain as the role needs and creates, and I'd follow you anywhere.
  • Todd Allen

  • Todd Allen

    But your model was much hotter. Love her big beautiful eyes.
  • S

    Jami, yeah that's me. I'm planning on leaving from avondale around 11:30ish since I have a swing dance class from 10:30 to 11:30. Want a ride up? I tried posting to the event page but the website kept flaking out.
  • Anne Kim

    I AM going to BOW! Good eye, haha. We should totally meet up before BOW. Do you know how you're getting there yet? I was thinking about doing a metra/bike combo, but I don't wanna be late :(
    We'll talk! p.s. love the balloons!
  • Aaron Bussey

    soda pops from a long time ago - still found in certain areas.....

  • h' Zerocats

    I know . . . not sure what happened there.
    I attached a message to the friend request that I enjoyed your post to the June Mass follow-up thread. It's nice to have a few clear-headed and analytical people on board to try to help others understand how the mass works, or could/should work.
  • buddaa38


    Can you help us out on July 17Th Albany Park Kidical Mass. Need corkers, Ballooner's , etc.

    P.s. You doing July N.S.C.M. Ride. August is Todd Karaoke.
  • Jerry

    I'll be there on the 12th.
  • Sue Clark

    Awww...thanks for defending my honor. Sounds like the guy who decided to whisper "on your left" at the very last second.
  • Holly

    Thanks. I'll put that on my calendar and as I mentioned--gotta get a dog sitter and make sure nothing else is floating out there that I might have forgotten I've already planned for the summer.
  • Julie Aberman (Hochstadter)

    Ah!!!! I saw a cyclist this morning in my office and I didn't have any on me either (have a stash at my desk but didn't want to make him wait). So I feel your pain. Thanks ladybug!
  • Jerry

    Sorry for the delayed response. Still figuring out how this board works. I think the balloons are a brilliant tactic. :-)
  • Barbra Mann

    Jami is the sweetest!
  • Barbra Mann

    How was mass? I saw you from afar...busily twisting up some balloon! Hope it was fun for you.
  • shar

    hey what's up with the 'maybe' for the homecoming ride??? I would love for you to be there and also I want to schedule a time to get the balloon chorsages??? I do plan to pay for them
  • Rowbike Mike

    Sure, if you want me to take a peek at the map for the upcoming ride, I'll let you know if I see any additional places to add.
  • A.K.A Paul

    I know...It was time though. In the words of Mike Ditka "this too shall pass". It was getting confusing. Someone would say "you're not Nathan Fillian", and I didnt know if I should respond with a "yes, I am not Nathan Fillian" or "I know"....or "I know, that you know, that yes I am in deed not Nathan Fillian". See...where would the insanity stop?
  • Erika Bolden

    I both plan to and am biking through the winter! After busting both of my bikes (pot hole for one, overfilled tire the other) I got one fixed up with new tires and a new wheel and installed a rack and I'm ready for action! Hope to see you at another event sometime. That paranormal ride totally made my Halloween. -Erika