S. Campbell


United States

Profile Information:

What I ride:
The kind of riding I do:
Recreational, Exercise, Commuting, Around Town, My job involves biking

Comment Wall:

  • Alan Matejka

    you never know when a helmet will be handy untill after the crash. Jameson and helmets mix.
  • Alan Matejka

    I would like to see what you do with gin and gloves. the thing about the Jamesom and helmets, was really for Clark, who said he never wears a helmet. the next time I have some Jameson, I'll have my helmet on. The last time I didn't. I ended up in the emergency room. Oops.
  • Alan Matejka

    I went head first onto the Michigan ave bridge, without my helmet.
  • Alan Matejka

    Nice Pink.
  • buddaa38

    So; Do you have a bike rack. If so you can take a coat hanger use that.
  • buddaa38

    Hey what does S stand for? I think that's a brilliant ideal. We have had dogs on this ride before; But not in costume & a trailer. Great thinking !:-) Would you be so kind to place this talk on the N.S.C.M group & the event Clendar. This kind of think my light some more people. But than again some may just have a blewn fuse. :-) Thanks. Tony
  • globalguy

  • Kelli

    I went to get her yesterday and she was gone! Someone had adopted her in the hour they were open after I left on Sunday. So sad. Boo. If you hear of anyone with a small/medium dog they can't keep let me know :) I'm going to Boston next week but will be at the NSCM ride on Friday. Have a good Monday.
  • Kelli

    aww, she sounds sweet :) I love bulldogs. I went to anti-cruelty today after work, I think I might have to go there every day at lunch! See you friday!
  • Becca Adler

    how was the northside ride? i showed up to hidden cove later on after everyone had left and it was actually really fun.
  • Becca Adler

    we should! I'll definitely let you know when I'm going on a ride. I might go to the chainlink bar night this thursday. my e-mail is rladler2@gmail.com if you want to do something not chain link related.
  • Kelli

    I know, I looked for you! What is your costume, sounds intense. My costume was not ready... Unfortunately I won't be at the bar night this week, but fortunately I will be in Boston :) Have fun!
  • yellow jello

    queen of hearts!
  • Aaron Bussey

    Wierd - out of all the ski hills in WI Devil's head is the only one I have actually been too, last December.
  • Aaron Bussey

    I know right? I was at Breckenridge over my birthday last January. My friends used to live in Boulder and they had season passes so I didn't have to pay the outrageous $96 lift ticket fee! But it is so worth it since the skiing out there si so awesome
  • Aaron Bussey

    hardcore/insomniac means being up at 6am....
  • yellow jello

    scampbell! where'd you go?
  • yellow jello

    oh no! we hope you are alright and well now.

    will you buy your roommate a drink on my behalf?
  • yellow jello

    when passing n. campbell today i thought i could ride south until s. campbell to take a picture for you. instead, i got lazy and just used streetsigngenerator.com. its the thought the counts.
  • Bloody Malth

    Queen of Hearts! I remember you from the Halloween Marauders ride, but I lost you when I decided to climb a wall.
  • igz

    Hey there, i found what i think is The Cheat's name tag attached to a hook. it was on the front table after you had left.
  • igz

    Yep, that's the one. However, I have it. And I demand $1million for its safe return!!!
  • Amanda Olbrys

    when would you like to receive your leg warmers back?
  • igz

    can we discuss your dog walking services when you get an opportunity?
  • Ed

    I remember seeing your bike with the pink on it at one of the MM rides. Have you submitted it to this site?

  • globalguy

    Duly noted %-{)> It was a great conversation, nevertheless. And as The Last Lion once opined,

    When I am abroad, I always make it a rule never to criticize or attack the government of my own country. I make up for lost time when I come home.

  • Amanda Olbrys

    sorry about the lon waited reply yes that was me you saw i was on my way home from work.
  • Spencer "Thunderball" Thayer!

    Sign up and vote for my Chainlink Jersey Design Contest entry and all of the prize money will go to Working Bikes and West Town Bikens, http://bit.ly/4APn0H
  • shar

    why so shy yesteday girly
  • shar

    nah.. but i felt i didn't have enough to really get into it.. so i just had a couple beers and socialized. yea I'm a looser :) hope to see you around the neighborhood sometime
  • Michelle Green

    argyle 4ever
  • Amber K

    That shot of Gabe was pretty perfect!
  • Shay

    Oh, but a pink Peugeot is waaaaay cooler!
  • Ryan L

    Hey Stef, looks like I didn't loose my camera after all. Found it this morning in the bottom of my bag. Ever since you mentioned the smoke bomb I have this image of seeing smoke at some point in the night. Just looked in my bag and go figure, no smoke bomb, which I was saving specifically for a MM ride. Man, what a night, if only I could remember all of it :)

    And I will give you a sticker, I always have a bunch in my bag. I'll hook you up next time I see ya :)
  • Ryan L

    LOL, ARE YOU SHITTING ME! I don't remember any of that! Man if there's video I would love to see it. "Hey kids, want to see what happens when one man takes too many drugs with too much alcohol and suddenly realizes he has fireworks in his bag?"
  • Vilda

    i think it's funny that Vando commented on my page right after you and he's the one with the footage ;-)
  • Vilda

    Hehehehe, you got slammed in the snow ;-) Climbing fences is never advisable especially when drunk. I got a snow ball in the chest by the way ;-)
  • yellow jello

    like every MLB pitcher, i must let my arm rest.

    a duel as in...we 'load' our guns, start back to back for 10 paces and throw?
  • Lori

    you know me....I'm everywhere. I'm getting back into bikes. Doing an European bike tour next spring.