Ryan L

47, Male

Chicago, IL

United States

Profile Information:

What I ride:
Road, Mountain, Cruiser, Fixed Gear
The kind of riding I do:
Recreational, Exercise, Commuting, Around Town
About me:
I like to ride and repair bicycles. I am in a band called The Night Meeting. I am building a robot that fights crime and brews its own beer. I like to pet small animals. Sometimes I pull a smoke bomb out of my bag and light it even though people tell me not too.
My other websites (twitter, facebook, pinterest, Google+, blogs, etc.):

Comment Wall:

  • thang van ung

    thanks for sticking around for the ambulance. it was kinda quite.
  • JJ

    great song you have up!! give me a shout if you do an open mic or show sometime. i'll come check it out
  • shar

    omg!!! i don't know what you are talking about.. at all. i remember flasks..bikes.. ppl falling off... go back thru wacker after splitting off then some how the whole group was there.. then i went home... so yea still don't know what u are referring too buddy. good to see ya though
  • cherry dana

    ryan, i need more stickers!
  • Laura

    shay posted the pictures with all your stickers! did you see it?
  • cherry dana

    see, r...everyone loved the stickers!
  • Alan Matejka

    Just finnished Beverly cycling clubs, circle around the neighborhoods. (Beverly, Evergreen park, Oak Lawn and back to Beverly) this one is non alchaholic, but good conversation along the way. tuesdays and thursdays, from starbucks at 103rd and Longwood dr. the metra station is right there if any of the north side gang wants to try it out. I usually have a few afterward anyway. You can never have enough friends. Thanks for accepting. Friday I'll be at mass... Al
  • Alan Matejka

    I forgot to say, the beverly group meets 6pm to 6:35 for joe. We ride at 6:45 sharp.
  • Alan Matejka

    http://sheldonbrown.com/english-3.html#sturmey check this Ryan
  • Alan Matejka

    I am Terrible at navigating a computer. the 2nd pic of the pink schwinn was an accidental post (doe!). it was supposed to be of my kickstand tool. the picture of my buffer was also an accidental post(doe!) the buffer will make a kickstand shine like new. AL
  • lauren sailor

    i know you!
  • Vilda

    I Just pee'd in me ;-) And yeah I knew something bad was gonna happen when that keg went in. At least it was entertaining. ;-)
  • Ed

    Thanks for the bike comment.
    Don't rush to get a tandem...those suckers are like driving a bus...especially when the rear stops peddling.
  • Bloody Malth

    hell yeah! No one gets the Ninja Gaiden ref! That's awesome!
  • buddaa38

    Ryan why can't you make it tomorrow for bike-winter & N.S.C.M. Are you ok.:-(
  • S. Campbell

    "every hostile situation can be diffused with an lotr quote"

    and i'm the nerd?
  • Tyra

    nice, hubs will be fun times. i think jen-wa is bringing cupcakes.
  • Reverend Roach

    dude that sounds like good shit. hm. i need something new to read so i think ill get into that one. thanks ryan!!!

    i started The Exterminators. its good. havent finished though.

    i was just talkin' to Kevin about comic book shop hunting. i need to find a new place to get shit. know of any?
  • Joe TV

  • Joe TV

  • Tyra

    Hey dude, good to see you last night. Glad you could make it!
  • S. Campbell

    i forgot to bug you about a sticker again... also, you didn't lose your camera sat night did you? i vaguely remember a conversation about it but i was drunk so who knows. and wait, did you throw a smoke bomb? god i'm so confused...
  • S. Campbell

    i believe vando (i think that was his name) was video recording it. There were tow trucks and Traffic Services vans driving up and down the street. I think I tried to convince you to throw one in a tow truck and you missed. But then you ran across the street, picked it up and ran back to our side of the street, just so you could toss it again! at that point we heard fire engine sirens and i think that is when we all fled...
  • Vondo

    Nice meeting you, yeah what bike do we have in common, my giant or the Masi?
  • Ammo

    that was beautiful
  • Matt AKA Jimbo/BMXican

    Yeah I made it home ok, I think that special cookie made me a little disoriented or maybe it was all the beer.
  • yellow jello

  • Matt Kwain

    Hey dude, I found one of your stickers on the bike locks outside my bank of america. way to represent broadway and lawrence haha.
  • Spencer "Thunderball" Thayer!

    Ah fuck, I totally don't have it! Thanks for letting me know! They still have it I assume. I'll call em' ASAP.
  • Joe TV

  • Joe TV

  • Kellie

    Hey, hey! Saw one of your stickers on the bike rack at Broadway and Lawrence today!!
  • Matt AKA Jimbo/BMXican

    Dude I put your sticker on my water bottle at work then left it around and someone bought it. Hope it went to a good home.
  • Kellie

    It was nice to see you on the Liars Ride. Sorry I didn't get a chance to talk to you...
  • RigWheels

    Hey Ryan. We would be happy to set a time for you to make up the class. Are all Saturdays bad for you?
  • RigWheels

    How is a week from Friday around 3pm? That is the 30th.
  • Craig S.

    Great info in this blog for your upcoming wheel project, by the founder of Wheelsmith.

  • Vondo

    Hey dude, do you make your signature smoke bombs yourself? I meant to ask you about that at the porn ride...
  • Craig S.

    This morning I saw one of your stickers on the bike rack at the Jewel on Lincoln next to Gannon's. It's probably been there a while but I'd never noticed it before. It gave me a much needed chuckle on this Thursday morning.
  • Paul Bracht

    I have seen your stickers on two bike racks in Andersonville tonight. In front of Georges Ice Cream Shop and the Hopleaf.
  • David of the North (David606xx)

    What a ride, eh? Look for me in traffic!
  • Duppie

    Ryan, you were the one with beautiful Masi, right? My wife overheard you talking about building your own wheel set. Did you end up taking a class to build your wheels? If so where?
  • Duppie

    Good luck with the tandem. It's not for everybody, but if you and your wife like it, it's a very enjoyable pastime, where inequalities are less visible

    Can I suggest you read up on successful tandeming? A good place to start is Sheldon Brown (as usual): http://www.sheldonbrown.com/tandem.html

    My biggest mistake? Not listening to the stoker's needs and wants.

    Good luck!
  • David of the North (David606xx)

    Marvelous--that's going to be my legacy here?