Barbra Mann


Chicago, IL

United States

Profile Information:

What I ride:
The kind of riding I do:
Exercise, Commuting, Around Town, Other
About me:
I skate...and bike...
My other websites (twitter, facebook, pinterest, Google+, blogs, etc.):

Comment Wall:

  • Brett Ratner

    I'm a biker, but on the weekends in the summer, I like to inline skate from my house (near Clark and Wilson) to Navy Pier and back. I guess that's my quasi "cross-training." Anyway, the reason I write is that one time I was skating in the bike lane on Wilson and a cop in a cop car started barking at me in his microphone telling me to skate on the sidewalk. What's your experience with that? Do you ever get static from the cops for skating in the street?
  • Brett Ratner

    Hey...Thanks for writing back! I did see you, strangely enough. You blew by my group and you were long gone before I had a chance to say "hi." You're quite a good skater, I must say. I can go pretty fast I suppose, but I definitely don't skate gracefully like you do.

    Anyway, I hope you had a good time at Critical Mass. We couldn't have asked for nicer weather.

    Talk soon!

  • Vilda

    Thanks for thanking! ;-) Hope you had a great time! ;-)
  • shar

    anyone who sports blue and white leggins and matching tops... is for sure someone I want to do it again with ;)
  • Damian Lee

    Hello, how are u doing haven't seen you in awhile
  • Damian Lee

    My bike is coming along semi-okay , because I am still waiting on my parts so I can finish building it...
  • Aaron Bussey

    Do you ever ride Marauders?
  • Ken Gray

    Sure looks like the same bike, at least the same make and model. I like yours, customed very nicely. Enjoy!
  • carl harris

    it almost look as good as as my pony
  • carl harris

    p.s i do need a lady on the westside ride
  • Damian Lee

    you gotta see my new bike She is so pretty, I love her soooo much.. She's a Gavin by the way
  • Damian Lee

    Oh yeah I am going to be At CM with bells on I guess I should meet up with you guys. It would be cool to ride Down Town together. We haven't done that in ages mate.
  • Juan 2-3 or more mi.

    What an intense day! Awesome, glad you came along with your pony.
  • Amanda Olbrys

    of course its cool if you come all bikers welcome
  • BalloonBiker

    Thanks for being willing to step up and help out with the mass. So many people aren't willing to do anything more than just complain. The big thing that I can suggest is have a friend with you if you're at the front. It's kind of boring. I may be at the July ride, but I haven't finalized my plans (I'm going on a week long bike ride that week and haven't decided on when I'll leave).

    Hopefully the meeting will result in a group of people who try to make the ride a success.

    Looking forward to meeting you!
  • Spencer "Thunderball" Thayer!

  • BalloonBiker

    Good to see you! This is the site I was trying to remember the name of:

    It's good for getting a quick and dirty outline of a potential route.
  • Sarah Urbansky

    Hey, fancy meeting you here! The next ride I'm doing is the Peirogi ride. You coming? :)
  • susan

    Found you! Your here
  • BalloonBiker

    Hey Barbra! Just wanted to say that you are doing a great job with staying positive about Critical Mass. I know that it must really suck to have someone being so negative about something you've worked hard to create. Especially since they aren't offering a counter suggestion. I have a good feeling about the ride and am looking forward to being upfront with you. Hopefully we can get a few more in the front with us and have our own party. You are awesome!
  • Joe Sak

    Why is your name different on facebook!