

Chicago, IL

United States

Profile Information:

What I ride:
The kind of riding I do:
Recreational, Around Town
About me:
I've been getting into biking more and more. I've also recently started doing Critical Mass. I heard about this web site when I took a bike maintenance class at West Town Bikes. I'd love to meet more people who are into bikes - especially people in my area (Logan Square) who are interested in looking for riding partners.
My other websites (twitter, facebook, pinterest, Google+, blogs, etc.):

Comment Wall:

  • Ashley

    Hope you can join us on a ride soon! I want to get this group goin' ;o)
  • cherry dana

    shay, look at you! :) dana2
  • cherry dana

    i am so bad.....
  • yellow jello

    i guess i dont get emails about wall-posts, so in response to two weeks ago...i don't actually remember... FBC ride....i think we talked about plastic surgery?
  • Laura

    Dear shay, I think you look sexy in your helmet
  • Laura

    no she did not pay me to say that, its true!
    ill send ya a message with my number, send me yours.
    I assumed you left at that point in time. I left when we got near my house, and i have spent all day on my couch!
  • Scott

    It's true, lady. Jesus rides a bike and posts on the chainlink.
  • Becca Adler

    what's going on with you? Apparently Jesus is watching you. Will I see you at the FBC ride next Sunday....or the Halloween ride I may make October 9.
  • Becca Adler

    can't make the wicker park critical mass because I work this friday evening...but maybe we'll catch each other at another ride. I'm not sure what my work schedule is for next I may have to leave the fbc ride early...who knows...and I know I'm going out to a bar for some singles event my roommate is taking me to to this Saturday...
  • yellow jello


    it's willy. now i realize this is you.
  • yellow jello

  • yellow jello

    you're very welcome. now i have to figure out how to get more points....?
  • shar

    you should come over to the hill and sled for a second or two on saturday with us
  • yellow jello

    happy new year!
  • S. Campbell

    it was nice to meet you in person on sat night! i love that you ride a blue peugeot!
  • S. Campbell

    well thank you, but i'm more partial to blue than pink :D
  • Vilda

    You left too early! ;-)
  • Kellie

    Hey Shay,
    Yes, it is Arabic. It is also my official "I am too young and stupid to have a tattoo" tattoo. At some point, I am going to alter it, but I must decide exactly how first! Did you post your ink?
  • Paul Drago

    Absolutely not! See the links, love the links, be the links!
  • Damian Lee

    Lol, I totally agree Shay. I am such a goof. Lucky we didnt get shot, I think Carl's sound system saved us that time. Ha ha >.<. And I totally love when I she you join the rides, hope to see you soon. ^.^
  • Scott Hawley

    Nice meetin you too.. how was your weekend?
  • Scott Hawley

    Oh I was gonna do that ride too, but had to meet a friend way up north later and figured never would have made it Rode around all day Saturday getting soaked and eyes pelted with hail (fun!) then rode a friend downtown to make Midnight Marauders, but I didn't go for the ride.. too tired. Cruised around Bridgeport yesterday. Whats the next ride you're doin?
  • Scott Hawley

    Oh right I forgot CCM is Friday. I'll be there -its easy for me cuz I work a couple blocks away from Daley Plaza. What time do you normally work til?
  • Scott Hawley

    Bring your bike to work with you?
  • Scott Hawley

    yeah I'm in the same boat: have to wear a suit! I ride when we have the ol business casual days, which is every Friday and at least 3 or 4 times every month.. but a lot of times I ride down after work and leave my bike here overnight with a change of clothes, then take the el home. Nothing like getting off work, gettin changed and heading out early! I'm pretty sure I'll be there too
  • Matt AKA Jimbo/BMXican

    A while back I had long hair and for some reason gay guys started hitting on me a lot. At first I took it as a complement and joked about it but after a while my friends started taking the joke to far. So i started giving the guys my friends numbers. The jokes ended pretty fast after that. Things like that can ruin a night if your in a certain type of mood. hope it wasn't anyone on the ride who made that comment. Oh and as a disclaimer. Not that there's anything wrong with that- Seinfeld
  • Damian Lee

    I will be there me and my wheels ha ha, I hope the tat comes out awesome. Would like to see ya there As well
  • John

    Ning won't let me select my actual birth year (which is much farther back), but thanks! It certainly isn't as though I try to take care of myself, no thanks to other cyclists.
  • Kellie

    Hey! I totally agree that we should hang out! Let's go grab a drink soon.
  • Marc Taylor

    Did I here "students" are you a teacher? Any regrets? I have the day after second A walk of shame of perhaps immortalized in the annals (ahem) of CNBR photo catalogs. What will my students say? Hopefully none are Chainlinkers. ;)
  • Juan 2-3 or more mi.

    Thanks, that was soooo much fun. Glad you came along.