Michelle Green


Chicago, IL

United States

Profile Information:

What I ride:
The kind of riding I do:
Recreational, Commuting, Around Town
About me:
I moved here from Texas in August. I left a career, a 14ft trampoline, swimming holes I could visit year round, my entire family, and all my dearest friends. I gained a gross amount of grad school debt, a renewed sense of wonder and excitement, and a bicycle three bicycles that I love almost as much as my cat.

My other websites (twitter, facebook, pinterest, Google+, blogs, etc.):

Comment Wall:

  • Aaron Bussey

    Nice Mitts Yo!
  • mike w.

    Glad to see you're getting over your supreme fear... Now just ride -LOTS!
  • mike w.

    Hope our Chicago winter doesn't put you off! Better days are comin'.
  • mike w.

    Keep on ridin', just keep your eye out for black ice and newly torn-up pavement. The frost & plows do some real damage. Welcome to Chicago !
  • Jim "Niterider"

    Glad you are back on the bike. Bike accidents happen. I know since I have been in 35 plus since I started biking in the 1980's. So what made you have so much fear of cycling? Like the oven mitts, do you wear them riding? HAHAHAHA. Jim
  • Jim "Niterider"

    Like the story, glad you are biking even in the snow. So when are you getting a mountain bike? Need to get some mud on you. Hope to hear from you soon, Jim
  • John

    There have been a couple of sledding parties in Humboldt Park. Not the highest hill in town, but a good one for speed and distance. Just watch out for the pothole.

    See you Friday - I will be easy to spot.
  • Jim "Niterider"

    I here ya about the mountain biking. I have had all sorts of crashes well off-roading. Mostly bumps, brusies and cuts with hiting trees or eating rock gardens. Caught the remains of a barbed wire fence that cut my leg up good. As for the bikes they are like shoes, you can not just have one pair. I past the 8 mark a while back. I own a bit of everything. Road riding is fun due to having so much to explore around Chicago or the burbs. Thanks for making me a friend. Talk to you later. Jim
  • Aaron Bussey

    See you Friday!
  • mario

    What is your cats name?
  • Vilda

    Hello Friend! ;-) Glad i could meet ya in person! ;-)
  • Vilda

    Next time should be tonight at the Full Moon Fiasco! ;-)
  • Vilda

    Sweet dude! ;-) winky winky ;-) hehehe
  • Vilda

    Porn Ride with the Marauders here you come! ;-)
  • Vilda

    I'll make ya deal. I won't go into the strip clubs either. I'll bring extra booze and we can drink outside. It's good on the Marauders to hang til the end cause there is usually a great end spot though I don't know about this ride. Or, if you'll go in I will chill with you at the back and avoid the strippers. I have a bad history of wasting money I try to avoid that. ;-)
  • Vilda

    That's what people hire me for. ;-) Quick thinking ;-)
  • Laura

    hi! I was just looking for your page!
    It was great meeting you last night! welcome to the FBC! hope you keep coming back, Its nice to have a few more girls around!
  • Al Ribskis

    just 2 words :

    ( umm, one word ) : Latebar
  • Amanda Olbrys

    I do like to boogie and im looking forward to showing some of my dance moves soon.thanks for the add
  • h' Zerocats

    I've left my sound trailer outside at times. But I guess I wasn't understanding what you were thinking for your event-- I thought you were thinking spontaneous dance parties in various locations in the street.
  • KatieP

    Heyo! Great to meet you!
  • Jim "Niterider"

    Forgot to ask you, what are you studying in Chicago for your grad degree, Michelle? Got sick of staying up all night? I remember those days back in school. I have been working thrid shift for the last 15 years or so and get paid to stay up all night.:) Have a great day as I have to get back to work. since lunch is over. Jim
  • KatieP

    Shoot - I can't make the dance party b/c I'll be in DC. Count me in for the next one, as I certainly need to shake my money maker!
  • joe harris

    hey you too! seeya friday!
  • S. Campbell

    sneaking up on me at the div/mil intersection and slipping a flyer in my bag would have been awesomer- but the hushed whisper across traffic was funny too!
  • Vilda

    One more day!! ;-)
  • Joe Sak

    Ya!! Sorry I had to go early everyone was awesome! Can't wait til next time:)
  • Amanda Olbrys

    Last night kicked ass forgot to text you when i got home but i made it safely.
  • Matt AKA Jimbo/BMXican

    Great time last night, already working on my moon walk for the next one.
  • Joe Sak

    I wouldn't call it ditching just poor time management :) I thought we'd get to ride for longer before I had to go.
  • Michael Cole

    Indeed, I believe we did!
  • Matt AKA Jimbo/BMXican

    Happy Texas Independence Day! I stopped being bitter after the Dallas cowboy's started sucking, but if you take my home land of BMXico there will be blood.

  • Amanda Olbrys

    http://www.thechainlink.org/events/st-patricks-day-parade-with lets do this? i have already signed up for it
  • Matt AKA Jimbo/BMXican

    Awesomeness, I see your doing CM. I'll say hi if I see you, I'm sure you'll be wearing argyle and shiny pants so you shouldn't be to hard to find.
  • Max Ehrlich

    This is awesome! looking forward to tomorrow night!
  • Amanda Olbrys

    when is the planning of the new rddr? the weather is going to start getting better again soon and i need some polish in my life this spring
  • Vondo

    You have one of the best profile pics, your eyes do all the talking!
  • Shawn C.

    got your meesage about site 257...thanks
  • T.C. O'Rourke

    Sorry, sometimes my life is one big inside joke...

    Boy in the Bubble and Baby with the Baboon heart:

  • T.C. O'Rourke

    I've told your gator clip story twice now. Definitely top ten funniest stories ever told.

    I need the name of the racy movie tho'.