Hannah Bass


Chicago, IL

Profile Information:

What I ride:
Road, Hybrid, Cruiser, Tandem, Folding Bike
The kind of riding I do:
Recreational, Commuting, Around Town
About me:
I'm car-free baby!

Comment Wall:

  • Julie Aberman (Hochstadter)

    hannah, this pic doesn't look like you....
  • Maddy Brigell

    Where'd you get this picture?!
  • o0_dan_0o

    saw you on friday for about 3 seconds. started to say something but you were gone.
  • Performforthelove

    Thanks for the add, I had a blast on the north side ride
  • cutifly

    You are Awsome !!!
  • Fiona

    SuperHero Vs. SuperVillain Bike Ride!!

    What: A Costume Bike Ride and Benefit
    When: Saturday August 1st
    Time: 4 o'clock
    Where: choose your side and ride. Are you feeling like a Hero or a Villain??
    Heroes meet at Humboldt Park Boathouse
    Villains meet at Wicker Park Fountain
    Who: Fiona and Bonus are raising money for the Alzheimer's Association, so feel free to donate 10 bucks.

    Ride or Die
  • Performforthelove

    hey girl, secret beach ride album is up. I sent a friend request to Melissa but havent heard back yet. If you talk to her, let her know.
  • buddaa38

    Thanks Hannah! Do know if Bob was taking any pictures also. Tony
  • Hector

    Nice work Hanna!!!
    great looking pictures. it was so good to see you again.
  • Becca Adler

    Hey the photos are funny. I'm sorry I didn't like the ones of me...but overall it looks we all had a good time. I keep laughing when I look at them.
  • Performforthelove

    HAAAHAAA!!!! I loved your comment and thanks for sharing your photos. Mine will be up soon :)
  • Becca Adler

    i do not look hot in those pictures! take the ones of me off. ppllleeaasseee. by the way you rock...and i am so busy and exhausted i can't believe i'm on this thing...but you actually learn alot from being on this (my questions have been answered).
  • Becca Adler

    hey I'm proud of you. You know what I'm talking about. Are we doing karaoke for the next north side ride? Did we sign ourselves up for this? I just have this faint memory that indicates....
  • Becca Adler

    I'll try and figure it out for you. I just have one problem. I work next Friday evening (4:30pm to closing) so I may not be able to make the Northside ride unless I can find someone to cover my shift.
  • Becca Adler

    hey you have to download the software for it first before downloading the songs. The software isn't really free....it's a free 19 day trial or something and then you have to pay.
  • Becca Adler

    no wait I can attend this event maybe...it's not this friday...it's the following friday....now i get it. I think we need to communicate with tony about what we are actually going to be doing...because it looks as if it already has a karaoke theme ...there is some lack of communication maybe. What exactly is our role in this? Are we suppose to find songs?
  • Becca Adler

    i went to hidden cove after you left? how did the northside ride go?
  • Kelli

    thanks..not everyone thought I was a good singer, hahaha. Thanks for your part in organizing that, it was a ton of fun.. and can we end every ride at the hidden cover..? :)
  • Becca Adler

    i don't know why i'm writing on your wall rather then calling you, but I am seriously loving your pictures on your page. the comedy improv was funny on saturday, right (yay for melissa!)? you too busy to do the northside ride next friday...not sure if I can make it but I'll try harder if I know you will be there.
  • Spencer "Thunderball" Thayer!

    Sign up and vote for my Chainlink Jersey Design Contest entry and all of the prize money will go to Working Bikes and West Town Bikens, http://bit.ly/4APn0H