Bloody Malth


United States

Profile Information:

What I ride:
Road, Mountain, Hybrid, Fixed Gear
The kind of riding I do:
Recreational, Commuting, Around Town
About me:
I'm a professional alcoholic so it's okay. I also dabble in parkour and capoeira. I studied wine waaaay to long to have to kick out Lincoln park drunks; and shots are a bad idea, but yes, let's do some. Sometimes I ignore people and just read books. I want to own a library.

Comment Wall:

  • Ryan L

    Nice Ninja Gaiden reference btw :)
  • yellow jello

    you're the 'new guy' who touched my udders!

    nice to meet you.
  • Reverend Roach

  • Reverend Roach

    Yes I read comics. How'd you guess?

    Our library would be badass. But then I'd probably poison you and then it would just be mine .^_^.
  • Reverend Roach

    i go to graham crackers on madison and wabash/michigan. but id like to find others. im collecting all transmetropolitan but ive bought the stores whole stock so...yeah. we should go a'huntin' soon!
  • Reverend Roach

  • Reverend Roach

  • Reverend Roach

  • Reverend Roach

    Lonnie Johnson and then the last two are Robert Johnson. I listen to them.
  • Aaron Bussey

    Robert Johnson is almost as cool as you getting a helmet! I need one too...we should go on a helmet shopping spree....with Roach!
  • Aaron Bussey

    Everyone is a hipster - especially ones who play euchre! You are in next time...are you riding down Halsted again tonight?
  • Reverend Roach

    how is that possible?!!!
  • Aaron Bussey

    Good times - what happened with that blonde?
  • Reverend Roach

    nope. not riding. im taking a break. wont be attending the marauders ride tomorrow either.
  • Reverend Roach

    ive begun the process of documenting every book in my possession. but since you are not a facebook member you cannot see the list. shame.