


United States

Profile Information:

What I ride:
Road, Mountain, BMX
The kind of riding I do:
Recreational, Exercise, Commuting, Distance, Around Town
What brings you to The Chainlink?
My Fingers
About me:
Current Info: Let's Go Yankees!!!

P.s. Yes I use the word "Chick" in regards to people of the feminine persuasion, I also use "Dude" for people of the masculine persuasion. It's ok, you're gonna be alright.
My other websites (twitter, facebook, pinterest, Google+, blogs, etc.):

Comment Wall:

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  • marisa

    okay mr.... I finial put pics up are you happy now..... How you feeling....
  • marisa

    Sorry you were next to me in the photo.. I cut you out for the profile....
  • marisa

    Sorrry more pain killer... Leo's in the same boat.. he couldn't sleep... all he say now is " marisa my leg hurts" and he has no pain killer.... i think its the cold air thats affecting him... Its going to be fun going to court on monday with him... In a wheel chair....
  • marisa

    wait a minute were is a pic of ur new bike
  • KIM

    I know...I miss you too...and I miss my bike...and I miss riding my bike with you :(

    9 more days of school left...
  • DavID

    what up, so how long til we see you out on the new whip?
  • Ammo

    miss having you around =(
  • Jessica

    Yes...yes it does. We play the 'not it' game for the customers that consistently give us problems. I tend to win b/c the majority of them (the customers) are sexist jerks who don't want me touching their bikes anyhow. Hell YES! No feminism here...the boys can deal with their stupid asses! :)
  • Jessica

    I love people like you. I have no problems answering your million questions, and I do it as 'layman' as I can while getting the point across. You guys are awesome and fun!

  • Jessica

    lol, those are hay baling muscles! Yet another 'sport' where I can keep up with the boys! :)
  • Jessica

    Add that to the fact that my pops used to be a pro boxer and trains me...lord have mercy on that idiotic soul that decides to mess with me or my friends. :)
  • Leah

    thanks for being the welcome committee! :)
  • Leah

    i hope you can get back on the bike soon! any idea how long?
  • Meghan

    Thanks! Glad to be here!
  • martha

    Thanks - Don took it. Finally got it cropped right.
  • the future

    the future is now. ye be warned.
  • Vandarken

    Hi Gabe, thanks for the welcome. I'm just getting my bearings here (no, not a pun).
  • S

    Hi Gabe, I think it's kind of cool that you're welcoming new people. You even welcomed an account that was set up to spam the board.

    How's the injury healing, back on the bike yet?
  • Joe Studer 8.0 mi

    Hey, Gabe. Thanks for the welcome. Fun for me, as my son (the little kid on the handlebar seat in the photo) is also named Gabe.

    Ride on!
  • Jessica

    AMEN. The only group of workers that need it are the (non-illegal) farm workers, who are controlled by lobbyists. Grrrr
  • Ammo

    you riding yet? I miss your insanity on wheels.
  • Ammo

    wow, I cannot believe you've been hurt this long. Let alone not working =( I am really surprised you even plan on riding. Let me know, we can start our own cocktical mass and ride out somewhere. Hell, marauders are comin up soon.
  • Jim "Niterider"

    Glad you liked it. Was looking for some cool pics to post since I have about 900 gigs of pictures to go through of last 15 years of biking and related items. Have to post more when I have time. How did you get injured that prevents you from riding?
  • Jim "Niterider"

    I know the feeling well. I have been in ten car related accidents myself over the last 25 years. The last one for me sent me to the hospital in a meat-wagon. I got hit by a druken 1 minute after midnight back in 1999. She clipped me going about 50 mph. I was thrown over the bars and landed face down. The speed limit was posted at 20 mph. Witness said she never even fu*king stopped. I had broke my helmet in four places, broke my glases, tore out part of my beard, sprained my wrist in 3 places, blooded my nose, cut my upper lip, bruised ribs, broke the ceramic plate on the back on my bulletproof vest. Had I not had on the vest, I would have been dead or completely paralezed according to the ER doctor with the impact forces sustained. Cars and bikes do not mix. I wear a vest since I had a problem back in 1995. I was shot in March of 1996 while riding back from Milkwaukee in South Racine. I was mistaken for a cop by some kids at 3:30 a.m. They hit me with a shotgun at 70 yards. They fired at me 3 or 4 times. It was buck shot. First hit the top of my helmet, 2 in the left shoulder. Last hit me in upper back. I got lucky. I had on a lot of layers on and only sustained burns, and blunt force trama. The clothes were shreded. My full face helmet saved my head. 3 plus weeks of pain, pissing blood, and no bike riding. I tell people to never ride this area at night. The cops are even scared to patrol here. They send 5 squads on a standard call at night. Safety in numbers seems to apply here. Hope you are riding by Spring if not sooner.
  • Jim "Niterider"

    "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, 'cause I'm the meanest motherfu*ker in the valley" This quote I live by. After being put through enough bad stuff in life, what more can one experience? "Those things that do not kill us only make us stronger". Nitchez said this Your body will heal in time Gabe, it is ones spirt that takes alot more time to heal. I know after being back on the bike you may be skidish, but you will become a survior and learn from the experince. Only think I suffer from is mild post-trammatic stress. I have a hard time sleeping at night, lots of nightmares, cold sweats, bouts of extreme angry and rage. It won't stop me from riding though. Becoming a victim of violent crime and life altering accidents sucks but happens. It is hard for some people to understand until it happens to them. Only downside it pretty much destroys one's social life since "normal" peolpe can not relate. Little things can change one's mood. Drinking helps sometimes but is only temporary. Hope this helps.
  • Jim "Niterider"

    The first quote was from a Navy seal team shirt that I have. It is from the Bible and is slightly modifed from what Samual Jackson quotes. It sounds bad ass to say the least. The Nitsche quote sounds like something Samual Jackson would say but is taken from Connan the Barbarian. Connan endures much and is made extra strong from his expericnces. He becomes a King by his own hand. "Connan, what is best in life? "Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and her the lamention of their women". %Tell me that does not sound bad-ass or what!!!!!!!!
  • viren

    Oh hey, thanks for the welcome last month, I just noticed it.
  • Jim "Niterider"

    Congrats on the biking today. You are on your way to recovery. I would imagine you will be out riding tommorrow. It is going to be around 47 or so. Please be careful Gabe of the ice and melt water. So what did you ride your BMX or the road bike. Like the new pics you posted. See ya, Jim
  • Jim "Niterider"

    You have all spring and summer to get back into riding. I would stick with what you like. I would ride the BMX for a while. Set up the gearing like what you normaly would be riding. On my BMX I run 44/14T. It takes me a little while to get going but look out when I am up to full speed. If this does not work for you, than I would look into getting a crusier. The Townies are nice and do not kill you on price. You can get a 7-speed or 3 speed for less than $800 or so. Nice big seat also. Hope you feel better. After I got hit it took me a good 5 months before I felt like my old self. Any one give you any sh*t about it blow them off. Unless they have been there and have been threw what you are dealing with they have nothing to say. Trust me getting shot is a lot worse and I still am dealing with that. Good luck, Jim
  • Ammo

    look how hairy you are!
  • Ammo

    Yup I should be!!
  • Ammo

    I can't wait to see you this saturday! It's been too berzerkin' long!
  • Ammo

    awww I'm sorry. I hope all goes ok with your family.
  • natesos

    Gabe- I haven't forgotten about the tallboy I owe you. Are you gonna be at the ride this Friday?
  • natesos

    You know - ups, downs, ins, outs. I can still ride just fine so no complaints.

    I'll keep an eye out for you Friday, High Life in tow.
  • GabeW (not the other Gabe)

    yeah, I know. Last week at the fashion show&porn ride I got asked how I was healing from your accident, and Julie said she was always confused when she saw a post by a gabe. See ya around
  • marisa

    hello hot stuff....
  • Ammo

    Killer tat! You coming to the ride this saturday?

    I grew up in park slope.I started working on t-shirts ,This group called kicks that work with teens in the city emailed me they might ride with us my from the chicago scally wagges . are going to and ride . we have plenty of bikes. i am making comment cards with my email on them to hand out. I need your help to a starting point of ride to a place down town to hand out the t-shirts and comment cards. Any other ideas you have would be help full.

    I ment hand out comment sheets . let me know when you talk to your friends who work at the schools so i know how many shirts i will need, i can get shirts for $3 EACH . HERE IS MY NUMBER 773) 308 3595 call so i can give you more of what my idea and goal is with LOWER THE NUMBER "09" .
  • joe

    there are 3 home games in this next month...and they are discounted...i think 2 of them are on saturday...i think i can get tix for 9$ a game...let me know if your interested.
  • Ammo

    Go figure, its the ONE i have to miss. Dammit
  • Ammo

    Yeah, I have to do a demonstration for an all night event. =(
  • Reddog (Cliff)

    Right back at you G!
  • Reddog (Cliff)

    Thanks! My nephew Erik took them.
  • Brett Ratner


    I know the ride starts at 9. When/where are the rear guard meeting up?
  • Gracie

    I don't know what 2000 is BUT it sounds interesting? Maybe? Kind of?

    & as for Friday, yeah I do. When are the themed ones? I want to go to those!
  • Brian Ellison

    i did. i slept in the vanburan train station for 2 hours
  • David of the North (David606xx)

    Missed you on Friday, yo. See you soon, eh?
  • natesos

    After Foster I booked it down the lakefront, mostly riding on the shoulder. Paused for a few at the pedestrian bridge near North Ave but never saw you guys pass me. Where were you for the sunrise?