

Chicago, IL

United States

Profile Information:

What I ride:
Road, Fixed Gear
The kind of riding I do:
Recreational, Exercise, Commuting, Distance, Around Town
About me:
Enthusiastic rider and helmet evangelist.

I'm the founder of The Chainlink, so if you have any questions about it, just send me a personal message!

I'm also the Chief Marketing Officer of Start Somewhere - Marketing and Websites on a mission: http://www.start-somewhere.com.
My other websites (twitter, facebook, pinterest, Google+, blogs, etc.):

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  • Garz


    Hey I hope you do not mind. I added this to Stumble upon. (its a Firefox add on).
  • amandaland

    hey, did you see the article in the NYT today entitled, "Moving Targets"? Here is the link: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/08/10/fashion/10bikewars.html?ref=fashion&pagewanted=all

    Anyway, it is a good read and the members might be interested... don't know how to directly link it myself...
  • Mike

    great site, great idea. . . very happy i found it and will be telling alot of people about it. thank you !
  • Whitney Jones

    it was really great. but there was a bit of drama ill have to catch you up on...but over all it was a blast and i learned a ton! lets catch up this weekend...
  • Tamara

    hey you..I finally got my clipless bike pedals installed.
    A little nervous to get out there and ride.. ha. If I have time I may join you to watch all the sexy bikes for the tri.
  • BalloonBiker

    It was great meeting you and I'm really happy you put this site together. I'm really excited to try some of the poted rides.
  • Whitney Jones

    well, we began in portland and rode to an organic farm where we learned about the benefits of organic farming (care of the earth, workers, and our bodies via non-toxic food). then we road to another smaller organic farm that was just a couple growing food and selling it at the farmers market. at this farm we learned all about how to raise chickens and how to grow just about anything (really freaking cool). then we road on to an intentional community were they were trying live entirely sustainably (cob and straw bail housing, grey water systems, and solar water heaters) and grow all their own food and poultry. then we road into Eugene our last day and learned all about this organization they have there called the Center for Appropriate Transportation which was really cool. It is basically an all in one bikers resource. people can go there and rent space to work on their bikes with or without the help of a mechanic who works there, buy new or used parts, and use their library. some kids even go there for high school instead of attending public school (if they were having trouble in school). also they also costume make a million different bike trailers. it was an awesome idea and they carried it out well. and our last stop in Eugene was bike friday, where we got a tour of the manufacturing area, and test rode a bunch of there bikes. it was awesome learned a ton, bike bunch and fell in love with Oregon!
  • Whitney Jones

    p.s just got a new bike today! and I want to do the DIY Century on it!
  • Julie Aberman (Hochstadter)

    Leah, so happy I joined your site! Will you be at the alt late ride fri night?
  • Julie Aberman (Hochstadter)

    his email is: ravidt69@yahoo.com
  • Amie

    happy one month anniversary (tomorrow) on your site!
  • Bart

    hey leah, i'd love to help with flyers. When do you want to meet?
  • vxla

    Ok so, we should do it then (ride on IPP to Wheaton). I'll come up with a date and submit it for your approval. NACCCs are this weekend, and I'm thinking about doing them...but not 100% certain yet.
  • Parrish

    hi, Leah!!!
  • yellow jello

    Thanks for creating this, Leah. :)
  • root

    glad you like em, it makes all the cleaning i do to keep em bright feel worth it ;)
  • William Mayers III

    Thanks, that was much easier.
  • Warren

    Leah, hi, did you go ride yesterday in the rain?
  • Amie

    k. i registered. wanna ride in circles this sunday?
  • Ammo

    Great to meet you last night. Keep your helmet on!
  • Anton

    cheers! It was fun. hit me up any time!
  • Ammo

    book me up for that skid stop lesson too.... I have had my crotch planted on my stem and still can't get it =(
  • Mike

    hey i just really wanted to say thank you and it was great to meet you and everyone else from the site. everone was awsome and alot of fun. hopefully i will get a new bike soon and do some drinking with you guys on the fun side of the bar. thank you again !
  • Dawn

    Am on a red Giant. Heh. That sounds funny.
  • Dawn

    Drat. Just talked to a friend and she's not as early a riser as me so we'll be starting closer to 7. Ride slow so we can catch up ;)
  • JoNeS cRu

  • Mr Newtrøn

    We had a blast...nice change a pace from crit racing..
    It was great to meet you
  • Alexis

    I actually crewed LifeCycle in '07. I was on a gear truck. My sister and I did the Minneapolis to Chicago AIDS ride in '98 and '99. These days I don't go much past 30 miles. Grad school (nursing) keeps me busier than I've ever been.
  • Ammo

    I am loving all these new things to do on chainlink. Especially the slideshow when you upload photos to the photobin.
  • Matt Talavera

    Nice meeting you all on thursday keep riding

  • Adam

    u do that metric century today? My roomate said she say a couple hundred bikers going down Halstead just now... do u know anything that's going on today?
  • Lee

    Nice meeting you today. Thanks for getting me involved in the chainlink. L'shana tova.
  • zluooobo

    thank you for the chainlink! just what we needed!
  • Vilda

    Great meeting you as well Leah! ;-) See ya at the next ride! ;-)
  • Amie

    when are we going to ride again?
  • John L.

    I love the site!
    Can you send your email ?
  • Patrick Humphries

    Thanks, it was amazing. My trip lasted 29 days but I would say that I rode 22 or 23 days. Take a look at my journal: crazyguyonabike.com/doc/goldhorizon
  • Homebuilt

    Sorry, we lived in the Walloon/French part of the country so i don't think i can speak to you.

    We were in Liege, my dad was a prof. on sabbatical. It was a long time ago ('73-'74) but very formative for me.

    I remember it was during the energy crisis and for about a month driving was banned on Sundays, so everyone just biked or walked on the major streets.
  • Vilda

    Thanks Leah! ;-) I'm pretty proud! ;-)
  • Maxwell Palmer

    Hey, were you in Yojimbo's yesterday looking at a brown Lager SE? I've never met you..but I'm about 95% sure it was you.
  • David the Great

    Hey Leah, is there a bar night this Thursday? Hope so!
  • yellow jello

    did you still want the drop bars? i can bring them to the hidden shamrock on thursday if you do. :)
  • David the Great

    Darn spanking!
  • Suzanne

    Hi Leah! Hope you are well and all with the wild snow. Montrose is this Sunday for Cyclocross. I'll be there in orange cheering on Team Tati prolly from 11-12 or so. Drop me a line if you want to meets up!
  • Lee Greenhouse

    Hi Leah, Ditto!
  • trakjoe

    Likewise! Will definitely see you around!
  • Vilda

    Sure ;-) Since i got hurt i've been on here almost all day...might as well be productive! ;-) Can't wait to ride again. ;-(
  • Vilda

    3 more weeks? I have physical therapy for 4 to 6 and since balance on ice is already an issue i don't wanna stress my shoulder more then needed. ;-(
  • Nancy L. Fagin

    What time in the morning does Bagel Run start?

    Nancy L. Fagin
  • trakjoe

    Too bad you couldn't make it tonight. The race meeting was fun. Maybe I'll see you Thursday.