

Chicago, IL

United States

Profile Information:

What I ride:
Road, Fixed Gear
The kind of riding I do:
Recreational, Exercise, Commuting, Distance, Around Town
About me:
Enthusiastic rider and helmet evangelist.

I'm the founder of The Chainlink, so if you have any questions about it, just send me a personal message!

I'm also the Chief Marketing Officer of Start Somewhere - Marketing and Websites on a mission: http://www.start-somewhere.com.
My other websites (twitter, facebook, pinterest, Google+, blogs, etc.):

Comment Wall:

  • Snarak

    Yeah man, I ride every day and shower at McD's bike center in Millennium Park before work. What time do you leave, and where do you ride to?
  • Tamara

    Hey - I am a friend of Stacies..how are ya.
    Interested in riding together sometime? I've been doing
    about 30 miles or so per ride. Hit me back if your interested.
  • ali

    isn't it ridiculous! :) congrats on the site. i like it!
  • Snarak

    I see. I take the path both ways, as I live right along the lake and the bike station is right off of it. Let's go for a scenic ride or something sometime though!
  • niconico

    very cool site... great way to know whats going on around town. see you at mass!
  • Joe

    cool site, some one was talking about it on craigslist. i might be at the fermi ride tonight, see ya around
  • J Mills

    Very cool site Leah!

    Cheers! Heading to Criterion now. Wooo Hoooo!
  • Bill

    Great Site. Keep up the good work.....
  • Brien

    Hey :) I have assimilated.
  • Nate Ice

    Thanks Leah- I think your site is a great idea. I wish I would have thought of it.
  • Brien

    Dood....I love your site.
  • Dana

    Love the site Leah, thanks!!
  • amandaland

    thanks, leah -
    i'm having fun on your site!
  • Thomas Kearns

    thanks for the bmx update leah ... and thanks for the site. Thanks to outside.in for getting the word out
  • Amy

    Hey Leah!

    This is really awesome... great job and thanks for the invite! Any rides planned for the weekend?
  • von_ricke

    this rocks, thank you for taking the time to set this up!