Credit to Sue for catching that this was up:

My reaction:  That's it? That's all? No fictitious reports of blocked ambulances and delivering mothers trapped by swaggering outlaws brandishing U-locks and PBRs?

Lame . . .

Also wondering-- why are we suddenly not invisible to mainstream media?  What random set of cicumstances caused someone to decide CCM was worthy of airtime?

I'm gonna alert Craig S to this thread-- I think he has some insight into that industry.

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I am pretty sure the last 10 seconds of the video lays it out. The CCM coverage is mainly due to the bike sharing program. As well they did mention the cop shit on LSD from last months ride which could be part of it. This is what 11 years of CCM it's really not news.
The video from the 10 p.m. news is at:

It includes a cool time-lapse of riders gathering, and shots of Cathy Haibach, Andrew Bedno, and others.

By the way, I heard other people giving comments that were more interesting than mine. But they seemed to want to push the "let's see what people think about confrontation" angle.
Howard, reasons? Bike share and the Youtube video. That's the reason why. But IMO it wasn't a positive piece.
It seems to me that the reason for the piece is because cbs-2 is directly across from Daley Plaza that their staff has been inconvenienced and they don't like CM...thus, the expose. No mention of the underwear theme...I think they don't want any more of the general public to be interested in coming and partying with us!
It would be interesting to hear what the other riders that Dan mentions above were talking about. I think it's unfortunate that the riders with whom they spoke didn't talk about the broader issues that inform the CCM movement, in terms of asserting the legitimate presence of cyclists on roads that are dominated by taxis, buses and cars. They also didn't talk to any observers (pedestrians, drivers) who are sympathetic or positive about the ride (of which I saw many during our ride on Friday). I agree with Spence and others that it wasn't a positive piece.
"But they seemed to want to push the "let's see what people think about confrontation" angle."

Confrontation will always be more interesting "news" than just saying whats going on. Then it would be a fluff piece. When's the last time anyone has heard a news reporter just ask questions rather than putting some emotional spin on a story?

I wish someone would have talked about how its just one day a month. To me, thats a small inconvience for motorists.


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