You guys are going to love this.. Bike thief payback video.

Real or not, it's pretty awesome either way.

I know there have been a lot of thefts lately, and I feel for most of you, but...
Yesterday, I was walking on Lincoln, and noticed 3 bikes that were locked up by wheel only.  I see bikes improperly locked up all the time, and I almost can't believe there aren't more thefts.
If you want the best chances of keeping your bike, then lock it all up, all the time.

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Snow in mid-May??
Looks pretty staged to me. Well shot though. I enjoyed it.
like, kinda harsh though
This is GREAT! ;-) Doubt it's real but i LOVE it! ;-)
they shoulda used the bolt cutters on him.
I say not harsh enough!

cutifly said:
like, kinda harsh though
Maybe you are a bike thief!?!

cutifly said:
like, kinda harsh though
I've had my share of bikes stolen in my lifetime. I remember the ANGER I felt. So put me down for a "not harsh" vote on this one.
i have a paintball gun or 2
If I were to ever catch another bike thief I'd U-lock his neck to a pole, 'Breaking Bad' style.

The first one I caught was let go by the police without charge, and I never got my bike back. I caught him when he came back for a second, bolt cutters and my chain on his person. Fucking coke head. Thank you Pasadena police.
Hey now. We can't just go around pepper spraying bike thieves all willy-nilly...
Roofis, I would say avoid the paint guns cause cops have shot people for less. stick with pepper spray and mace. But a sting would be fun. I'm bringing my baseball bat. T.C. is right, we can't just pepper spray people all will nilly... ;-)


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