What should you eat the night before a 100-mile ride? And in the hours leading up to it?


How often should you have sports bars, gels, or trail mix during the ride?


Finally, how often should you take an electrolyte-replacement pill (I've got the Nuun brand) with water?

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Congrats David!

Congrats! I've had some success with Four Loko and beer for a long ride, but that always makes the day after a little rough...


Thanks, Julie and Katie.
wow man good for you. i generally drive the route or zoom in on google to try and find a stripe or a shoulder on a country road. that would generally mean asphalt or tar n chip. those gravel roads out there are hit and miss and can get pretty rough. sounds like a cool ride - that wind can get nasty can't it?


Yeah, the wind was brutal at the end, since I was tired. But when you're in the middle of farmland with miles to go until a place to sleep, it's a strong incentive to keep going :-).

i did an 80 mile loop south on friday. the first 40 took me about 4 hours into a 20-30 mph head wind with a couple stops, and the return 40 took me around 90 mins. oh yeah.

wigner said:
i did an 80 mile loop south on friday. the first 40 took me about 4 hours into a 20-30 mph head wind with a couple stops, and the return 40 took me around 90 mins. oh yeah.


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