This bike needs some work but it's super unique - it's Trek's one-time foray into automatic gearing, built and sold for one year only in 2009 for just over $500. This would be a great rebuild for someone interested in super-easy commuting or cruising.
Brand: Trek
Type: Hybrid
Frame style, size: Unisex (low stepover bar), Medium
Color: Metallic black
Includes: Brontrager removable front basket system
Missing: Seatpost and saddle
Needs: Two rear spokes replaced
Brakes: Coaster
Tires are oddly in great shape. This bike was banged around more than ridden. Won't get stolen! Come check it out in Chicago's North Center neighborhood.
I noticed this Trek bike on the ChainLink site. Is it still available? I see that the post is from 2017... Laura
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