Right in front of the police station at Monroe and Racine. Good thing I don't ride in the door zone, and was out taking the lane. I didn't stop, but gave her a dirty look. What would you guys do? I don't want to antagonize one of chicago's unpredictable cops, but geez, she should be giving tickets for that, not doing it herself.

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the cops beating up and pepperspraying those 2 guys on lsd near the taste last month was pretty bad. chicago isnt kown for good honest cops is all i can say.
Odd that the OP thinks he should do something because he almost got doored. Not doored mind you but almost; indeed by the OPs own admission he was far enough out in the street that it didn't really matter. It seems he takes umbrage because he was startled not because he was harmed.

What with all the criminals shooting up the streets, the shortage of cops and another copper just murdered I'm not sure the startling of Jason would be way up there on the copper's list of things to worry about.
Tom, that's kinda the point of the OP's thread.
Tom, the point is that cops should write tickets for this, not do it themselves. Because I ride smart doesn't mean the cop is any less wrong. And just because a cop got killed doesn't mean we should stop promoting bike awareness.

BTW, earlier in the thread someone said they can't do anything about dooring unless someone gets hurt. This is not true.

Ticket # 625ILCS 5/11-1407

Actually there was an article in the paper today talking about how crime has gone down in recent years, although Chicagoans think its on the rise.

Old Tom said:
Odd that the OP thinks he should do something because he almost got doored. Not doored mind you but almost; indeed by the OPs own admission he was far enough out in the street that it didn't really matter. It seems he takes umbrage because he was startled not because he was harmed.

What with all the criminals shooting up the streets, the shortage of cops and another copper just murdered I'm not sure the startling of Jason would be way up there on the copper's list of things to worry about.
CPD has been playing funny with the numbers as well. They stopped counting homicides that occur "indoors" in the count.

ReNae said:
Actually there was an article in the paper today talking about how crime has gone down in recent years, although Chicagoans think its on the rise.

Old Tom said:
Odd that the OP thinks he should do something because he almost got doored. Not doored mind you but almost; indeed by the OPs own admission he was far enough out in the street that it didn't really matter. It seems he takes umbrage because he was startled not because he was harmed.

What with all the criminals shooting up the streets, the shortage of cops and another copper just murdered I'm not sure the startling of Jason would be way up there on the copper's list of things to worry about.


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