If you're going to run the red at Chicago while biking south on Milwaukee, at least make sure there are no pedestrians crossing the street first.
I see near-collisions happening at this specific spot fairly regularly (including one particular repeat offender - shame on him), but yesterday was particularly bad - I witnessed two different cyclists who nearly collided with pedestrians in the crosswalk while running the red light.
Don't be a jerk.
Yikes. Kinzie/Milwaukee/Des Plaines is another hot spot for this, though thankfully with fewer pedestrians at risk. But it's not so much the intersection but the repeat offender I imagine. Familiar with a bike on bike collision in a similar circumstance, running a red with pedestrians around it isn't isolated unfortunately. We get this in the loop too with many more pedestrians. Not suggesting it at all not knowing the reaction, etc. but has anybody called him on it in situ? Again, just inquiring, not suggesting.
I pass by Kinzie/Milwaukee daily too (and run that red on occasion, when safe to do so) but you’re right, there aren’t many peds there. The times I’ve seen near-collisions at Milwaukee/Chicago have been when the SB Milwaukee bus drops people off who then walk to the blue line.
I haven’t had a chance to call the repeat offender out yet, but if I see him doing it again, I absolutely will.
See also Clinton by Union Station. Well, so be careful. I occasionally call out folks too, but never know if this guy's anti-social behavior goes beyond risking the pedestrian's safety and turns into something more unsavory. There'd been a thread on here where the topic touched on calling folks out for all sorts of things - shoaling, passing too close, bell/no bell and such. But if you're helping keep some pedestrians out of danger in a hot spot it's absolutely the right thing to give it a shot.
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