Reaction to different types of bike thieves (white male, black male, white female) on What Would You Do?

Can't figure out if I'm surprised or not:

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Not surprised. And if it was an attractive female, I bet a lot of guys would lend a hand, no questions asked.
Exactly! Some even knew she was stealing it and helped her anyway!!

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
Not surprised. And if it was an attractive female, I bet a lot of guys would lend a hand, no questions asked.
Wait, what? It's a guy who was the actor posing as a bike theft for the show.

Erin said:
Exactly! Some even knew she was stealing it and helped her anyway!!

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
Not surprised. And if it was an attractive female, I bet a lot of guys would lend a hand, no questions asked.
someone didnt watch the video or read the whole story...

yeah, i know what i would do, regardless of titties or not. no tolerance!!

Serge Lubomudrov said:
Er . . . was it in the Boystown?

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
Wait, what? It's a guy who was the actor posing as a bike theft for the show.

Erin said:
Exactly! Some even knew she was stealing it and helped her anyway!!

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
Not surprised. And if it was an attractive female, I bet a lot of guys would lend a hand, no questions asked.
Pull out my U-Lock and break his hand. Good thing I wasn't there! Would hate to have that caught on tape. ; )
This is such a lame story. I wanted to watch the rest. That was a crap bike. How about something nice getting jacked ? A little more believable I would think. I would personally use get that chick to ride the tallbike as I have so many others. lol. No hand breaking please, leave that to the Sharia's.
Busted. Ya, I just read the article.

iggi said:
someone didnt watch the video or read the whole story...

yeah, i know what i would do, regardless of titties or not. no tolerance!!

Serge Lubomudrov said:
Er . . . was it in the Boystown?

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
Wait, what? It's a guy who was the actor posing as a bike theft for the show.

Erin said:
Exactly! Some even knew she was stealing it and helped her anyway!!

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
Not surprised. And if it was an attractive female, I bet a lot of guys would lend a hand, no questions asked.
I will quote a reddit comment. "Anyone else notice the subtle difference between the white guy's answers to on-lookers versus the black guy's? The subtleties all work to bias "experiment's" results. For example, to the question, Is that your bike?" we here the white guy say only "not exactly" while the black guy says "not exactly, but it's gonna be."
I still think there's some racial biases in most of the on-lookers, but I was disappointed to see how subtle differences in phrasing and tone could have easily further skewed the results.
As for the men helping the, wtf?!"

The thread itself is quite interesting also,

Sometimes I think people mistake classism or cultural stereotyping as racism. Not to say that there isn't racism, there is plenty, but sometimes these shows love to exaggerate these things. Dress both men in well-fitting suits and the racists will come right out.
They should have done the test fair, and used a 4th....a good looking black woman....
Personally and first off, I believe in equality.
I would watch them from a safe distance. if to me they seem like they could be the owner i would approach them, talk to them and try and further determine if its theirs or not. If they did convince me it was theirs I would tell them to come back or I would call the cops on them or...
If at any time they show enough signs of being a bicycle thief, I would confront them or take a "no tolerance" approach from behind. I don't care what race, gender, age(unless under 18) or sex you are. My reactions will be the same either way

it really isn't hard to point a thief out. Just got to know what to look for.

Just because they are cutting a lock though doesn't mean they are stealing it, no matter how hard it is to not jump to conclusions. Information goes a long way.
Spencer, I missed the CCM ride (out of town) in August but I learned disturbing news last night at the North Coast Music Fest - can you email me at or call me at 773-678-7545 (preferable).
Chris Drew

Spencer "Thunderball" Thayer! said:
Pull out my U-Lock and break his hand. Good thing I wasn't there! Would hate to have that caught on tape. ; )
Adam "Cezar" Jenkins said:
I will quote a reddit comment. "Anyone else notice the subtle difference between the white guy's answers to on-lookers versus the black guy's? The subtleties all work to bias "experiment's" results. For example, to the question, Is that your bike?" we here the white guy say only "not exactly" while the black guy says "not exactly, but it's gonna be."
I still think there's some racial biases in most of the on-lookers, but I was disappointed to see how subtle differences in phrasing and tone could have easily further skewed the results.
As for the men helping the, wtf?!"

The thread itself is quite interesting also,

Sometimes I think people mistake classism or cultural stereotyping as racism. Not to say that there isn't racism, there is plenty, but sometimes these shows love to exaggerate these things. Dress both men in well-fitting suits and the racists will come right out.

They also had the black guy change what he said when asked if it was his bike from a "it's mine now" type comment to" yeah I lost my key" and a guy helped him lift it over the post on the 2nd comment.


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