I went to NCF tonight.Got there about 4:30 & went by Warren/Ashland to park my bike nothing was set up.They have bike racks & stuff just sitting there. Went back by it later after the show 10:15. Nothing set up.Hopefully tomorrow they have something set up

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$1,500 worth of bike parts locked with a $15 lock...

h' said:
Private security at a concert is just a bunch of bouncers and this guy thought his bike w/cable lock was safe there. Wave bye bye.
Bike parking was not setup on Sunday either (sorry, no pic). This was a let down (as was the trash cleanup or the laziness of the attendees to throw their trash away) but we had five ulocks for three bikes, which detered any thieves. I did not see as many bikes as I did at Pitchfork but the need for parking still exists at Northcoast. I'll send an email expressing my disappointment at their lack of bike parking.

I got there on Friday about 4:30 and rode down Ashland to get to bike parking at Warren/Ashland and there were a whole lot of bikes.I think people realized or found out that there was no bike parking.Cause on Saturday when I went,there were a lot less bikes locked a long the fences.
Eric Roach said:
Bike parking was not setup on Sunday either (sorry, no pic). This was a let down (as was the trash cleanup or the laziness of the attendees to throw their trash away) but we had five ulocks for three bikes, which detered any thieves. I did not see as many bikes as I did at Pitchfork but the need for parking still exists at Northcoast. I'll send an email expressing my disappointment at their lack of bike parking.

I went on Sunday and I was really surprised there was no bike parking. Last year, there was more than enough parking and volunteers had all those bike rack/fences set up at Ashland and Warren. This year it looked like someone set one rack up to demonstrate that it was still the bike parking area but no one worked on setting up the racks in neat rows or anything. No volunteers to be seen either.


My friend and I opted to locked our bikes across the street from the main entrance by that bike church over there. We used 2 U-krypt locks and a cable. Worked out just as well.


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