Hi everyone!

I'm a month into biking and am really excited for Critical Mass this Friday.

Never done it before and don't know anyone else who's going.

Anyone else out there new to this and want to meet up before it starts?

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And for anyone who may end up a little late at Daley Plaza after the Mass has taken wings:  MassUp.us on a smartphone should tell you where people currently are, via GPS, so you can take a shortcut and catch up.  Locations can also be found via texting.  User guide here: http://massup.us/pub/use

Andrew Bedno (possibly others?) has designed this really neat tool for us.  Thank you Andrew!!!

Mass NEVER leaves before 6PM these days in Chicago.  The time listed on many websites of 5:30 is very generous   It usually leaves sometime between 6:05-6:15.   

And like Thunder Snow said, you can use MassUp.us to find the mass as long as there is someone else using it who didn't get there late.  When there is only 40-something riders that isn't a given...

Hopefully today will have a good turnout -the rain should be well over and it'll be nearly 60-degrees.    


John W. said:

Ricardo, and whoever else wants to meet up on the north side to head down to CCM, meet at the southeast corner of Chase park, right at Leland and Clark, at 5:40...to leave by 5:45.

Today was great! Wish I didn't have to finish writing a thesis for next week and I would've tagged along longer. :( It was nice meeting some other chainlinkers. Ride on.

John W. said:

Ricardo, and whoever else wants to meet up on the north side to head down to CCM, meet at the southeast corner of Chase park, right at Leland and Clark, at 5:40...to leave by 5:45.


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