Two words,...absolutely terrifying. Today was my first snow ride to work and I must say that it was not how I wanted to start my Monday morning. I was fully prepared with all of the proper snow biking equipement and was excited for my first winter ride. After all everyone says that it is a lot of fun and I have always thought of myself as a courageous person, but not today. I was scared out of my mind the entire ride. I almost slipped twice within the first 500 feet. Turning back to go home and drive was an option but I figured it would get better once I got to a properly salted road, but I was mistaken. I had several cars honk at me and I was trying to avoid the snow/slush the entire way, not to mention the cars that flew past me and covered me with slush off of their cars. I dunno maybe this will be more enjoyable if its not so wet outside and people are not hurrying to try to get to work. I will continue to ride to work on cold days and days where there is a light snow but if its anything like today forget it.

Any tips to gain fearlessness while riding to work in these conditions???

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Maybe I'm just OVERLY cautious, but I felt pretty damned unsteady on my ride in this morning. Cars were seemingly making up their own rules of how to negotiate the roads, and I started freaking a bit. I ultimately ended up walking from Ashland and Lawrence to Ravenswood and Irving Park. Tons o' fun, I tell you...especially with a mending sprained ankle.

I am now in a profoundly pissy mood and I'm not expecting it to improve given the stunning and oh-so inspiring climes. :-(

E A said:
How are the roads in today's snow? (I guess we could call it the first real accumulation of the new year)
I had to wuss out today, and I don't miss a lot of commuting days. Snow-narrowed streets, slush on the "bare" pavement, and bumper-to-bumper auto traffic don't mix very well with bicycling. Fear is an important survival instinct. Live to ride another day...
I should have wussed out this morning but some perverse urge made me get on my bike anyway, and I was rewarded with beardcicle.

I rode... but luckily I didn't have to be out there during the rush hour. Getting a later start I think helped with the major streets being a bit clearer. I did walk the side street I take.

On Wells I couldn't help but laugh at the "toot toot" I got from a Mercedes who flew past me. Such a weak horn; the driver obviously compensated by zooming past me. :-P

One final thought -- cars should come standard with mudflaps. My windpants were disgusting when I arrived (and not from my own ride).
it was sketchy as hell, but I rode today...

Nice beardcicle, Jim!

My ride to work was fine (Clark was good, and Chicago Ave in Evanston was the usual pile that it is - the road itself).

Coming home, I went Davis to Asbury to Oakton to Chicago/Clark. That route is usually really good pavement, and the snow didn't really screw that up. Unfortunately, at Asbury and Oakton, a minivan decided to honk at me several times even though I signaled crossing into the left-hand turn lane. Oh well, no yelling at me, so ok.


Jim Behymer said:
I should have wussed out this morning but some perverse urge made me get on my bike anyway, and I was rewarded with beardcicle.

i won't ride a freewheel in the winter. having a fixed wheel offers much more control than a free wheel. fishtailing in a free wheel you are at the mercy of the road, but with a fixed wheel you are able to correct your slipping. its a preference thing, but i like the control.

Bikefreeek said:
I have to admit it, today was my first fixed snow commute! The under layer of ice proved exciting and I was a bit concerned that if my pony threw me whether or not she would then kick me with a pedal, being fixed and all. It's not unusual for me to take a spill or two at the start of the snow and ice season, but I'm not looking forward to having my pedal and crank bite me while I go down. I'm thinking that I'll flip to the freewheel side, but I might give fixed a go.

How's it been for other fixed riders on the snow and ice?
Jule said:
- Do you have studded bike tires? Might want to try that to reduce slippage.
Couldn't agree more. I'm in my 7th winter commuting every day. Last winter I got a set of Schwalbe Marathon Winter tires for my folding bike (I come in on METRA from Mundelein), and winter riding will never be the same for me. It's almost like riding in fair weather; sheet ice is no problem- just don't make any really sharp turns. Snow is only a problem if it gets packed over an inch or so. These are somewhat expensive, but how much would an injury cost?
Go studded!
The part about tonight's ride home (Monday, 1/12/09) that scared the bejesus out of me was crossing the river over LaSalle. It was snowing pretty hard, it was sticking to everything, and my bike was just getting totally squirrelly on that lousy grating. Had there been another 10 feet of grate, it would have been bad.

Chalk it up to education, I guess. I think that was a limit right there for me. Next time, sidewalk or Wabash or Lake or something.


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