Since our inception, we’ve been been redefining exemplary pet service in the city of Chicago with a Mom and Pop type approach to catering to each and every client's needs.  After initially starting as a cat sitting service, we quickly developed into a full scale pet care company that believes in providing the best possible pet experience for our human and non-human clients alike.  While introducing a whole new level of customer service and satisfaction, we continue to build close bonds with the people we serve.  2013 is looking to be a fantastic year for us.  Why not join our family and see why we’re truly the best?

We'll also be donating a portion of our proceeds this August to animal welfare organizations such as Chicago Bully Breed Rescue and Tree House Humane Society. Look for us in a neighborhood near you and be sure to say hi if you'll be attending Vegan Mania this year.

For more information on our company, please visit

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It can be done. What makes you think its necessary h?

How is the pet service vegan? Is it the food you supply them?

Oh so you are vegan, do you have vegan foods/treats for the pets or do you only use what the owners have?

What's a vegan-bicycle?

Explain to me again how a pet service can be owned by a Vegan-Bicycle?

simple : the bicycle only uses vegetable-based lubricants. no animal fats, etc.

Adam Herstein (5.5 mi) said:

Explain to me again how a pet service can be owned by a Vegan-Bicycle?

Advertising one's own business via a thread is generally frowned upon here. May I suggest contacting instead? Your constant bumping of this thread to gain free advertising is getting annoying.

If vegans and vegetarians love animals so much, why do they eat their food ?

I realize you are joking but I'll answer regardless.

Most of the vegetables, legumes and grains that vegans/vegetarians eat are not eaten by animals except for those pests around the crops. I am not aware of any competition for cauliflower, lentils, and wheat.

By the way, the destruction of rainforest in places like Brazil is going towards soy beans used for animal feed, not soy food products. Growing food for vegans is actually incredibly productive use of the land vs. using land for animal "production."

Obviously in a  macro sense everybody competes for everything - water, land, etc.

"How many vegans does it take to put in a light bulb?

Don't worry they'll tell you."


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