Ok, so we have this discussion about cyclist safety and it came up that video may be a good way to communicate safety - both with drivers and cyclists. If it went viral, that's be a great thing. I free-formed some video ideas but I think in order to make this successful, I need your help.

1. Content - Anyone want to fine-tune the video ideas into coherent spots with more-general/less-specific ideas?

2. Sponsors - Prizes are good. Anyone have suggestions about potential sponsors or know someone you can ask about potential prizes?

3. Online Voting - I'd be happy to put this together so that we can also crowdsource the votes (making it "people's choice). 

4. Promotion - If we all help get the word out about the contest, the voting, and the winners, hopefully we can get some visibility on this issue and make it a crowd-sourced cyclist safety campaign that helps educate and inform both cyclists and motorists.

Here are the free-form rough video ideas. Probably better to have each spot be less specific and more thematic to allow for creative license. Totally open to going a different direction - I'm sure there are some great ideas and topics not covered below. :-)

P.R. Campaign to improve the perception of cyclists

I'd love 30 second spots to communicate a few ideas:
Spot #1 Starts out from the perspective of the cyclist - struggling with the cars and vehicles parked in the bike lanes (riding around them and into traffic) and then shows it from a driver's perspective - how it looks like the cyclist is weaving and "out of control" for no reason. And they should have a crabby person say, "look at that bike! Why do they even have bike lanes if they aren't going to use them?!" 

Spot #2 The red light. Again, perspective of cyclist. Perspective of driver.

Spot #3 The stop sign. An explanation of an Idaho stop and how there is a difference in that and cutting in front of cars. 

Spot #4 Cyclists as people - mothers, fathers, daughters, brothers, firefighters, nurses, etc. Cyclists are people too. 

Spot #5 Major Myths e.g. cyclists slow traffic, cyclists all break laws, etc. 

For cyclists - educational

Lights - don't be a bike ninja. Illuminate yourself.

Laws - communication of the laws e.g. lights, stop signs, riding two abreast, riding single file. How to find the local laws (and they can vary by town).

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I can start calling around and see what we can get for production budget sponsorship.  Potentially Cosi, One The Route, Lagunitas, City of Chicago, etc.  Give me a week or so, I'm budgeting a large project right now and also want to enjoy my weekend!

Good idea!

Thanks! Have a great holiday weekend!

Content idea for spot 5 major myths, specifically cyclists slow traffic.

A visual of how little space X amount (3, 4, 15, 50?) of bikes take up vs how much space the same amount of cars take up.

And/or maybe a before/after comparison of a driver sitting in traffic being miserable, and then the same driver enjoying a nice ride in light traffic with the X number of cars now a tiny row of the same X number of cyclists. Point being that if more people biked, driving would be more pleasurable, not less.

The tagline can be something along the lines of bikes don't slow traffic, they reduce it!
This is a great concept! Suggest looking for ideas/scenarios on BikeSafetyQuiz.com. Ex: proper lane position, signaling, lack of safety with lights, riding wrong way on one way & salmoning, and other critical crash-type scenarios. Use the motorist quiz for examples of driver safety education.


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