Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Mr. Presley, you are rapidly becoming one of my favorite Chicago filmmakers!  Nicely done...again!


CTA got my $$ today…


Getting ready to ride right now- looks nasty on my side street as they have yet to plow or salt the more recent accumulation, but as long as Lincoln to Wells is clear, I should not have any problems. 

S. Presley you've done it again.  Going two for two, "Snow Ride" and "Stranded bike, broken key, idiot advice on Chainlink", Bravo!  Very creative sir.

Nope. Drove into work.


I was pretty sad at first, as my usual route through Chicago was pretty well plowed and salted. Then as I crossed into Lincolnwood and Skokie, I was pretty happy because the main roads still looked terrible. I find kind of odd that Chicago has much better snow removal than the suburbs.

Made it to work at about the same time I always do. Far north Lincoln Avenue was a bit slushy, but still well cleared and salted. I have to take a stretch of Western Avenue south from Lincoln to Leland and that was kind of nasty due to most of the slush accumulation and from the cars that didn't understand that I didn't want to ride the bike through a foot high pile of slush and had to take the lane a few times. Lincoln southbound to Wells from Leland was really well cleared, although the bike lane on Wells was pretty sloppy but still rideable. Overall, it turned out to be a beautiful day and a very nice ride this morning. 

One plus of living in my particular auto-centric suburb is that they plow things quickly. I was able to take all my usual back roads to the train this morning. Of course this is after shoveling a path from my garage to the road. :)

I'm sure people down here think I'm crazy.

For sure....high and not having to walk in the slush!

Last evening was brutal. I forgot my goggles too, doh!

Usually ride my winter bikeasaurus mt. bike but the single/speed "fixie" not such a good idea,build up under the fenders, slipping of the back tire when pedaling, ice, snow pack on the brakes rendering them virtually useless.

The side streets had the wet pack snow as a nice layer of ice.

I took Fulton as far as Ashland then started heading North/West towards Humboldt.

poorly plowed west suburubs.  lots of sidewalk this morning.

FINALLY! Last night was pretty fulfilling. And this morning was even better with the cold temps. Clark and Halsted up to Division were fairly clear with a couple of rough spots in some intersections but no slippage.

Now, keep it coming!


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