Nice first ride in the COLD.


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I love the snow as well, but let us not forget that after the first night of riding in virgin white snow comes the 2-3 weeks of carbon black slush full of road salt that eats away at all your components and clothes!

I rode around the S curve on the LFP today for the first time. It wasn't bad with my studded tires on my MTB, however, what was bad was that everyone stopped in front of me to walk, and I found out that even though I can kinda get around, I could not really pass very well. I ended up having to get off too, and walking on the ice sucks especially compared to the grip of the tires.

Looks like we may get some late next week.  Until then, I'll enjoy the Spring!

Barclor said:

Damn, I was working on a response but you have said it better than I....

I think I like the look on people's faces when I cruise by with a snow covered beard, grinning from ear to ear.

Gene Tenner said:

Bring on the snow. It is more beautiful, fun, challenging and separates the wheat from the chaff. With snow on the ground there are many nights when I have the lakefront from Montrose to Foster all to myself. #%$! speed; when you have the world's most beautiful playground under your tires, 'tis a joy.


 And lest ye forget my personal nemesis, the dreaded "chocolate mousse". Snow & slush I can handle- that soft brown in-between stuff is the only thing that's ever caused me to spill.

  I rode today. Mid 40's, sunny, easy traffic. Can this really be January?

Michael A said:

I love the snow as well, but let us not forget that after the first night of riding in virgin white snow comes the 2-3 weeks of carbon black slush full of road salt that eats away at all your components and clothes!

You mean the dog poop that has risen to the surface?

Fran Kondorf said:


 And lest ye forget my personal nemesis, the dreaded "chocolate mousse". Snow & slush I can handle- that soft brown in-between stuff is the only thing that's ever caused me to spill.

  I rode today. Mid 40's, sunny, easy traffic. Can this really be January?

Michael A said:

I love the snow as well, but let us not forget that after the first night of riding in virgin white snow comes the 2-3 weeks of carbon black slush full of road salt that eats away at all your components and clothes!

I rode, but I'm also staying late tonite and am VERY happy there's no snow out.  I get enough excitement in my life without adding slush and ice to the daily commute. 

Having said that, if it stays in the 40's by the time I leave tonite it might even be the perfect night to take the path instead of cutting through the neighborhood.  This kind of January I can handle.

 No, Gene. That doesn't usually soften until at least April or May. ;)

Gene Tenner said:

You mean the dog poop that has risen to the surface?

I was on my road bike today which is a pleasure to ride--fast, fun, and peppy. I'd be happy to keep my winter bike in storage. After riding it a bunch these last few days, I'm realizing I hate cheap saddles and that thing is just impossibly pokey. Great for snow, though.

i don't know, dude. in my experience, barring the freshest of powder, a skinny tire tends to do a better job at finding the asphalt underneath the snow and slush. knobbies just get so caked with snow.

Lee said:

As a skinny tire rider I can go much faster if I don't have to lug out the mountain bike to plow through bad streets.  I'll take the quicker commute and whatever cold temp it is over the snow all day.  

Maybe just on the weekends provided it melts by Monday?

Barclor said:

Yes I did, but I have to say I'm disappointed in the weather. After last years snowy winter, I've been looking forward to some snow rides. They are, by far, the most exciting commutes I have all year.

Is it just me, or is anyone else dying to see the white stuff fly?

This weather is nothing short of bizarre. Don't forget to wear sunscreen out there!

Great day to ride. I might even do a lunch ride!

Spray your knobbies with Armor All and the white stuff falls right off.

Nick Butterfield said:

i don't know, dude. in my experience, barring the freshest of powder, a skinny tire tends to do a better job at finding the asphalt underneath the snow and slush. knobbies just get so caked with snow.

Lee said:

As a skinny tire rider I can go much faster if I don't have to lug out the mountain bike to plow through bad streets.  I'll take the quicker commute and whatever cold temp it is over the snow all day.  

Maybe just on the weekends provided it melts by Monday?

Barclor said:

Yes I did, but I have to say I'm disappointed in the weather. After last years snowy winter, I've been looking forward to some snow rides. They are, by far, the most exciting commutes I have all year.

Is it just me, or is anyone else dying to see the white stuff fly?


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