Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Thats a good idea. I was in Vancouver last week and spent some time watching messengers ride around downtown. A few of them had plastic bags on their shoes/ankles to keep the neverending rain out. All of them had the sweetest bike infrastructure I have seen so far. :/

Robert Underwood said:

When I was little used to put bread bags over my shoes.  I should've done that this morning.  DANG IT!

Something about putting in alot of riding time makes me eat like a sumo.

yeah I got soaked - clothes will never be dry by 4:30. need a dryer at work - ha ha ha

T.K. 8.4 mi said:

Im with EssFresh and grayn8, how could you argue with that free bike wash and street sweep?! 

Protip: bring an extra pair of socks to work. 

Is there any amount of gortex that would keep you dry on a day like this? 

I have my gear strewn throughout my office, hanging it and flipping it over periodically throughout the day. I hate putting on wet gear. But I don't think anything's going to be perfectly dry by the time I leave.

dan brown said:

yeah I got soaked - clothes will never be dry by 4:30. need a dryer at work - ha ha ha

T.K. 8.4 mi said:

Im with EssFresh and grayn8, how could you argue with that free bike wash and street sweep?! 

Protip: bring an extra pair of socks to work. 

Is there any amount of gortex that would keep you dry on a day like this? 

When I started a 24mi/day roundtrip commute in 2011 I couldn't believe how hungry I was all the time. My friend described one's stomach in such circumstances as "a furnace." It's true.

Matt M. 18.5KM said:

Something about putting in alot of riding time makes me eat like a sumo.

I ride and run.. all I do is eat and sleep. :D

Matt M. 18.5KM said:

Something about putting in alot of riding time makes me eat like a sumo.

Got to work before the downpour.. I did pack the rain gear for "incaseshit". Real cozy ride for the most part.. dare I say, it went down a treat.



I think it's kinda weird. I either am losing weight or gaining and probably in unhealthy amounts now that I ride. I don't count it towards my running (I do marathons and 50k). I seem to always be hungry and fluctuate weight like crazy. Winter is always harder. Something about low levels of sunlight make me crave doughnuts and whiskey.

And this am's fog was john carpenter double plus happy.

Matt M. 18.5KM said:
Something about putting in alot of riding time makes me eat like a sumo.

left right after the rain stopped. nice ride.  forgot my work socks.  now I get to wear thick wool socks stuffed into tight fitting dress shoes.  sweaty feet all day long yall.

This thread seems to have gone and  died.  I guess it'll pick back up next winter.  Rode in, nice ride. I parked my bike this morning, walked half a block towards work then realized I still had my u-lock in my bag.  Monday, Monday.


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