I am the slowest rider on the lakefront. I ride 52 weeks per year and average 6 days per week, roughly 312 days per year. If a commute is considered 2 rides, I put in over 400 rides per year. I do not commute on Thursdays, but in warmer months I take a Thursday night spin along the Lakefront.

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I'm quickly coming up on my one-year bike commuting anniversary. Not sure how many rides I've made, but as far as miles go, I think I've ridden about 2500 miles between commuting and recreation in the past year. Also, I have calculated that I will have saved around $1100 in CTA fares by March (one year) due to bike commuting.

I started commuting last May.  I have not kept track, but I have not missed very many days commuting--only snow and ice days and we know there have not been too many of those!  Weekends are more sporadic, but I try to get out at least one day each weekend even if it is just to run some close by errands.  Even took my bike on our driving vacation last week and this week and managed to get a few days in.

That's pretty good, Gene.

For some reason, I hit a wall in mid-late January. In the past month, I've commuted/rode maybe a handful of times. 

It's also been exponentially colder than last year, and I don't have much desire to ride when it's 10 and below.

Though, in the last few years I usually kick in to high gear in March anyhow. This year I'm prepping for a 30 mile r/t commute. We'll see how many days per week I can pull that off.

And, Gene, although I am not currently riding on the lakefront I bet when I return to the lakefront I will "out-slow" you!

That would be difficult, although a tortoise vs. turtle race could be interesting, entertaining and attract much wagering.

Lisa Curcio 4.0 mi said:

And, Gene, although I am not currently riding on the lakefront I bet when I return to the lakefront I will "out-slow" you!

If you commute then why aren't your commuting miles after your user name although I can see how this could happen if the thread went out of the visable area due to not enough responses to keep it visable.?

You might need supper and War and Peace!

Chi Lowe 12.5+ mi said:

I'll be there to officiate with a box lunch, a book, and a slow watch.

Gene Tenner said:

That would be difficult, although a tortoise vs. turtle race could be interesting, entertaining and attract much wagering.

Lisa Curcio 4.0 mi said:

And, Gene, although I am not currently riding on the lakefront I bet when I return to the lakefront I will "out-slow" you!

I ride 5 to 7 times each week, although most of the time, it's a collection of short 1-5 mile stints to the office, grocery store, 'Cats sporting events, or synagogue.  During the summer, I do more "recreational" or fitness rides.

However, icy roads will deter me from biking. Glad that Evanston does a good job of clearing roads for the most part!


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