zero so far, but heading out soon for the Unofficial CCC New Year's Day "Weather Be Damned" Ride!
Thanks for the invite -- I considered it last evening, but realized that it wasn't gonna happen for me at that point (around 2:30am!)
13.2 after Unofficial CCC New Year's Day "Weather Be Damned" Ride. extrapolation for 2024: 4821.3
91 after 19th Annual January Three Floyds Brewpub (and First Step) Ride. extrapolation for 2024 down to: 1231.
You checked out some of local surf action?
You surged ahead of me there, Bob. I had only 80 miles as of last weekend.
Gun shy with the hernia, and yes, NOT interested in Frigid Degrees ride days anymore (been there, done that), and some "down time" resulted in a mere 120 miles for January. Yes, there were a number of perfectly good riding days that I passed on -- I'll live to ride another day.
Oh, and I almost forgot -- now trailing Curt(is)2023 by 81 miles.
February -- in like a cold bitch, out like a sociopath. After catching and surpassing Curt(is)2023 on 2/18, I have fallen back due to my long-awaited hernia procedure. No bike until late March, at best. With 346 miles on the month, I sit at 446 road miles year-to-date, trailing Curt(is)2023 by 52 miles. I'll catch that sucker -- there's a long road ahead.
I've done 80 miles this far. Looking to add many more.
234 after Second Step Ride. rode under the West Lake Corridor Project for the first time! extrapolation for 2024 up to 1675.9.
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