How do you plan to escape the coming Zombie Apocalypse?

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Not on a bike.  Too easy to get grabbed.

Add machete mounts to my bikes. Dust off the samurai sword. Stock up on twinkies (once they start making them again) and beer.

I'd use a bike for sure. The roads would be choked with cars, no one could get out of the city. A mountain bike on trails and as the crow flies might be the only way out. I like the machete idea too!

Tricolor said:

Not on a bike.  Too easy to get grabbed.

A likely asset in the case of zombie attack, But no one can make that chioce for you, nor should they!

h' 1.0 said:

Another thought-- if one does choose to flee by bicycle, would a helmet be an asset or a liability in an attack situation?

I would throw the bike in the back of the car.

Wouldn't it be easier to carry a silver crucifix and a wooden stake? Oops, I think that's for vampires . . . .

I guess the helmet may give you some chance of survival. The zombies may simply try to eat through your face to get to the good stuff inside. The helmet just might make them frustrated like a pistachio nut shell that will not come off.  It makes you want to simply smash the nut. Perhaps the frustration will lead them to opt for easier prey unhelmeted right next to you.  you are playing the odds here. Maybe zombie ingenuity leads to the facial entry.  Ouch.  Maybe frustration leads to smashed nut. Ouch.  Maybe frustration and they move on.  Whew!  I guess if you can't beat 'em you might as well join 'em.   Me want brains.

A likely asset in the case of zombie attack, But no one can make that chioce for you, nor should they!

h' 1.0 said:

Another thought-- if one does choose to flee by bicycle, would a helmet be an asset or a liability in an attack situation?

Some of the larger, heavier u locks can be used to smash a zombie's head. Per the usual rule of thumb, two u locks always work better than one. (Since we're mixing threads constantly)

HA! my SO and I have definitely discussed this and LOVE The Walking Dead. I'm glad I'm not the only one who's given this some legitimate thought...

Our plan is bike (congestion, plus finding gas after the outbreak = bad). I probably wouldn't be bringing much with, right? Crossbow on my back (since they're so effective), maybe panniers on the back lightly loaded? Not sure what to do about our dog though...

Ken Gray said:

I'd use a bike for sure. The roads would be choked with cars, no one could get out of the city. A mountain bike on trails and as the crow flies might be the only way out. I like the machete idea too!

Can't you feed your dog to the zombies to keep them occupied while make your escape?

I don't watch Walking Dead, so I don't know whether zombies have a fondness for dog brains.

Julia C 7.5 mi said:

HA! my SO and I have definitely discussed this and LOVE The Walking Dead. I'm glad I'm not the only one who's given this some legitimate thought...

Our plan is bike (congestion, plus finding gas after the outbreak = bad). I probably wouldn't be bringing much with, right? Crossbow on my back (since they're so effective), maybe panniers on the back lightly loaded? Not sure what to do about our dog though...

Ken Gray said:

I'd use a bike for sure. The roads would be choked with cars, no one could get out of the city. A mountain bike on trails and as the crow flies might be the only way out. I like the machete idea too!

A shovel, an ax and a cricket bat seem to be popular choices.

A Super Soaker filled with Plochman's mustard, a Rascal Scooter, and an iPod filled with acid house music to soundtrack the chaos and destruction.   


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