is anyone considering biking out to the Dark Lord Day Three Floyds event in Munster Indiana? Its being held on Saturday, April 25th. Its about 30 miles out. Got a Golden Ticket??

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yeah, thats the approximate path

Wobbly said:
Drinking some of the worlds best beers, sandwiched between 60 miles of biking? Fantastic!

Is this the approximate route? (Lakeshore path instead of LSD, of course)

This looks like the best path to the train, if needed:
ok eric. stored your # and the address.

the wind will be comming from south/southwest...shouldnt be to bad tho. ill snag some zip lock bags incase it rains and ppl dont have waterproof crap for there phones or what ever.

this is gonna be fun. oh...and i need to get some sweet ass corn starch!...nothing say lovin like corn starch in my pants. haha.

Eric Miller said:
Your ride from the Fountain to the fishery looks like it comes in at just under 13 miles. I'm gonna plan on being there at 9:45 - 10:00. Sound about right?

The addy again just incase: 3259 E 95th St, Chicago, IL 60617

If any of you are planning on taking the train home, make sure to have a bungi cord with you. I've had to deal with some asshole train conductors in the past about this issue. Long story short; it took me removing my shoelace and tying it from my frame to the seat rail to make that ass clown happy and not kick me off.

Also, if anyone needs a blinky, I have some spares, both front and rear.

Lastly, my phone number is (708) 945-7067. Somebody please keep it with them incase anything weird happens between the fountain and the fish joint... or if you've got a cute sister... or if you yourself are cute and available!

Not looking forward to that headwind, but I'm sure as shit looking forward to drinking beers in warm weather, finally!

sounds be the dreary looking hung over guy drinkin pbr and sittin on the ground most likley.
Everyone up yet? We got a great day ahead of us!
leaving in a few...neeed food and urban detox

alex said:
Everyone up yet? We got a great day ahead of us!
Holy crap!!! I think 3 Floyds Ride are cursed. That's two now that have been screwed by the weather.

I had to be back in the city before six, so I left earlier than everyone else. I was making excellent time for the first 15 miles or so. It started raining really hard by the time I reached the IL/IN border, but no big deal...the wind was at my back and I was warm. But about the time I reached the Museum of Science and Industry, I got smacked in the face with a ridiculous headwind and a 30-degree temperature drop. What the hell?

Fortunately, I rode my geared bike and I packed warm/waterproof clothes, but I'm a little worried about some of the other riders. Many were on fixies and were in T-shirts and shorts. There's no way they'd make it to Chicago without freezing. Hopefully everyone got to Flossmore and made a safe return on the Metra Train.

Please lemme know if everyone got back okay!
That sucks. Me and the wife just got home. We stayed behind after everyone left ,drank some more then headed to flossmoor to eat and drink some more at the station and caught the train from there. It started raining while we were eating but we didn't care anymore. Good ride!

arman said:
brett - great talking to you while standing in the one of many lines we had to choose from...we decided to head back to chicago instead of going to flossmore and when we got to hammond that cold front flipped the wind back in our face and it dropped 20+ degrees. then the rain and hail hit around wolf lake. it was pretty brutal. we all split up around 95th street to hit whatever train we needed to get home. regardless, it was a good ride.

Brett Ratner said:
Holy crap!!! I think 3 Floyds Ride are cursed. That's two now that have been screwed by the weather.

I had to be back in the city before six, so I left earlier than everyone else. I was making excellent time for the first 15 miles or so. It started raining really hard by the time I reached the IL/IN border, but no big deal...the wind was at my back and I was warm. But about the time I reached the Museum of Science and Industry, I got smacked in the face with a ridiculous headwind and a 30-degree temperature drop. What the hell?

Fortunately, I rode my geared bike and I packed warm/waterproof clothes, but I'm a little worried about some of the other riders. Many were on fixies and were in T-shirts and shorts. There's no way they'd make it to Chicago without freezing. Hopefully everyone got to Flossmore and made a safe return on the Metra Train.

Please lemme know if everyone got back okay!
yeah that was crazy...mid west weather is so nuts some chain ring failure was pretty much the dumbest thing since what ever..thank you to Eric from the south side for the tow in to the fest..thank you to Iggi for the orginzation and the waiting...thanks to the guy that i cant remember for hookin my friend up with a had a red shirt on and your pretty cool...thanks to everyone. awsome trip. ..

Im glad, albeit the mishaps that really just add to the story, that everyone made it out in one piece (tho not all bike parts in one piece) and was able to get home one way or another (that picture above is legendary). Flat tires, broken chainrings, bugs in eyeballs, cramps, chaffing, and a pretty wierd crash right in the 3F parking lot. The weather did play some cruel tricks on us...punishing winds in, threat of rain the entire way down (tho i did get sunburnt somehow), and then the real rain and temp drops. yowza! But we persevered! Thanks, everyone for coming out. We def need to do a ride again soon. Thats what summer's for!!
I had a great time as well, thanks to everyone for meeting up with me.

I finished my evening in typical sub-optimal fashion. I decided to ride all the way up to Diversy and Clark to meet up with some friends since it would have been early enough to join in with their festivities. First, I took a little tumble by the bridge, then while getting closer to downtown it started raining again. So, being very wet with not enough dry clothes to change into, I threw in the towel and headed to the LaSalle street Metra station and hopped on the 8:45 back south to home. On the train I fell asleep for a while and woke up with the announcement that the train was pulling into the Midlothian station, a full 7 stops past where I was supposed to get off. So I get off there and just as I step out of the station the rain and wind pick up again to make the extra 7 miles I had to ride back north extra fun. I grabbed a big ass burrito just before I got to my place, dumped the bike in the basement, hiked up to my 3rd floor apartment (never had those stairs been so painful!), stripped out of the wet clothes, took a hot shower, annihilated that burrito, slammed my remaining beer and passed out. Roughly 58 miles was my total as best as I can figure.

I don’t know what we did to deserve that weather, and the wind… reversing itself on us was just cruel! Regardless, I enjoyed the day and it was great to meet all of you. Thanks again for picking me up and definitely keep me in the loop for the next ride!

Oh, and someone has my rain jacket...
did you lend it to th girl with short brown hair and glasses you were hanging with for a while?. there are a few short degrees of separation between us and we may be able to retrieve it for you if thats the case.

Eric Miller said:
I had a great time as well, thanks to everyone for meeting up with me.

I finished my evening in typical sub-optimal fashion. I decided to ride all the way up to Diversy and Clark to meet up with some friends since it would have been early enough to join in with their festivities. First, I took a little tumble by the bridge, then while getting closer to downtown it started raining again. So, being very wet with not enough dry clothes to change into, I threw in the towel and headed to the LaSalle street Metra station and hopped on the 8:45 back south to home. On the train I fell asleep for a while and woke up with the announcement that the train was pulling into the Midlothian station, a full 7 stops past where I was supposed to get off. So I get off there and just as I step out of the station the rain and wind pick up again to make the extra 7 miles I had to ride back north extra fun. I grabbed a big ass burrito just before I got to my place, dumped the bike in the basement, hiked up to my 3rd floor apartment (never had those stairs been so painful!), stripped out of the wet clothes, took a hot shower, annihilated that burrito, slammed my remaining beer and passed out. Roughly 58 miles was my total as best as I can figure.

I don’t know what we did to deserve that weather, and the wind… reversing itself on us was just cruel! Regardless, I enjoyed the day and it was great to meet all of you. Thanks again for picking me up and definitely keep me in the loop for the next ride!

Oh, and someone has my rain jacket...
I think I gave it to a dude.

I'm hoping this person, or someone else who knows who it is, will see this and let me know where I can go to get it back.


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