Cinderella Bike Just Don't Fit (But DURA ACE and CAMPAGNOLO!)


As much as it grieves me to admit the Wheeler CX Bike I bought off Craigslist this fall just. Don't. Fit.

I've moved the saddle up, took a stab at raising the stem, but nothing seems to work.

This wouldn't be an issue if I wasn't HEAD OVER HEELS in love with this bike.

It's a Wheeler 56" (or so) Frame - mid-90's steel (New Old Stock) with SICK 90's paint. 

Campagnolo Vento 16-HPW Wheels  (Sadly the decal was pulled off because these things were FLASH!

Shimano Ultegra Groupo that shifts like a dream, and Shimano Centerpull brakes.

PLUS: Double Bottlecages, pump-stud and cateye wireless computer.

I was going to take all these things off and put them on my 90's Cannondale R-600 but can't bear the site of undoing this Wheeler CX bike!

Any interest here? I'd be looking to take serious offers to give this bad machine a loving home for the right price.

Will upload pics later tonight.


tim d 

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Pictures! We want to see pictures!

Ack! I know - I will post them very soon. I got busy, and another excuse...


Anne Alt said:

Pictures! We want to see pictures!

tim de la motte said:


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