(Thread formerly titled "sumbissions", "Schedule Up"- re Bikewinter Film Fest)

Update January 5 2010:

As mentioned down in the bowels of this thread, Stephen Auerbach, the maker of Bicycle Dreams has kindly offered to donate a portion of the proceeds of the DVD sale to the bikewinter.org effort for the next 48 hours (until Thursday night.)

In order to support Stephen and the Bike Winter effort, please go to the
Bicycle Dreams main page:


Click on the white text "buy Bicycle Dreams on DVD" on the left, and
enter "bikewinter" in the referral code box.

Thanks for your support and see you next time around!

==everything below this line is old stuff-- please ignore unless you're trying to make sense out of the rest of the thread!==


Details still being hammered out but it looks like we've got Sunday Jan 3, 2-10 PM, downtown at the Youth Hostel. See edit below!
Putting together a slate of feature films, shorts, novelty films-- especially would like submissions of local films.
The film fest is very laid back-- free entry, folks can come and go as they please throughout the day, we'll pass a hat to pay for the space and maybe have a little money left over for other bikewinter projects. No renumeration is offered for any submissions, you just help the effort and get to see your film shown to an audience. No rights are transferred by submitting a film, other than that by doing so you agree that it can be shown unless you communicate otherwise.
Message me or write to ho3ard @ fastmail . net (remove spaces)

(edit-- originally listed Sunday Jan 2-- corrected to Jan 3)

IMPORTANT EDIT 12/16: Looks like we scored Facets!
See event listing:

I went to find an image for the event icon but realized it would be better if our local talent were willing to create one. Please help!

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Where do submit films at?
And I working on another this week.
What are the format requirements?

I would like to submit something I shot with
my iPhone.

Resolution:1280 x720
I'll send you mine tomorrow ....via email

H3N3 said:
We're getting the final schedule nailed down and will be putting it out there soon. Still room for local short films!
I sent you the link to download the file via the message center

Check your inbox

click on the link,then go to file save page....it should DL as a mov file


H3N3 said:
Mr. Ishnook, Nothing received as of yet-- check addy? ho3ard (at) fastmail dot net

ishnock aka the blue baron said:
I'll send you mine tomorrow ....via email

H3N3 said:
We're getting the final schedule nailed down and will be putting it out there soon. Still room for local short films!
I sent you the link to download the file via the message center

Check your inbox

click on the link,then go to file save page....it should DL as a mov file


H3N3 said:
Mr. Ishnook, Nothing received as of yet-- check addy? ho3ard (at) fastmail dot net

ishnock aka the blue baron said:
I'll send you mine tomorrow ....via email

H3N3 said:
We're getting the final schedule nailed down and will be putting it out there soon. Still room for local short films!
If anyone heard me sniffling in the back of the theater during Bicycle Dreams, it was only because I accidentally rubbed a Jalepeno pepper in my eye...

That was such an awesome movie!
Ditto (about the awesomeness of the movie, and I only caught the last 10 minutes). Replay sometime soon????

Not Nathan Fillion (aka Paul) said:
If anyone heard me sniffling in the back of the theater during Bicycle Dreams, it was only because I accidentally rubbed a Jalepeno pepper in my eye...

That was such an awesome movie!
I'm not sure if this is even an option and I'm not sure who the orginizers of the Film Fest are but perhaps someone knows them well enough to possibly borrow the DVD (if in fact it is a DVD) and show it at a get-together of some sort. I'm sure there are lots of people that didnt get to see it or didnt get to see all of it but would still want to see it.

The DVD is only $20 plus shipping from the movie website. I'll buy the DVD if someone can host...

I'd be glad to host such a get together but I dont own a TV.

Julie Hochstadter said:
Ditto (about the awesomeness of the movie, and I only caught the last 10 minutes). Replay sometime soon????

Not Nathan Fillion (aka Paul) said:
If anyone heard me sniffling in the back of the theater during Bicycle Dreams, it was only because I accidentally rubbed a Jalepeno pepper in my eye...

That was such an awesome movie!
wish i coulda seen it, i had ta bounce early. i also raise my hand for a replay. i open my abode if necessary. maybe after a ghettosleddin 2. tho i can accommodate only so many
Such a great film about cycling and the mental state it creates - i dont ride marathons but can so relate.....even if my treks are 50 miles as opposed to 3000....Iggi do it....

iggi said:
wish i coulda seen it, i had ta bounce early. i also raise my hand for a replay. i open my abode if necessary. maybe after a ghettosleddin 2. tho i can accommodate only so many
H3N3 said:
Click on the white text "buy Bicycle Dreams on DVD" on the left, and
enter "bikewinter" in the referral code box.

I just tried to do this, and am getting an error when the Bicycle Dreams site tries to connect me with PayPal. Has anyone been successful in making this purchase?


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