Bike to Work Pants from Cordarounds on Vimeo.

You know you are a hipster when you'd rather buy pants over a simple bike light.  Now if this video had a guy using a bike light IN ADDITION to the hipster pants I;d have no qualms, but using just pants is simply ridiculous. Its like driving a car covered in reflective tape to improve visibility.

Silly hipsters, trends are for kids...

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Ha! So as long as the car is within 30 feet and has it's high beams on, you're safe!

Forget visibility, the pants just look stupid. It looks like pants have squares of reflective fabric attached to them at random spots. I'm surprised that the company even got to the point where they decided they should make these things.

They're actually more absurd than the video makes them look, as they're just standard issue khakis with reflective material inside the cuffs and back pockets, so that you have to turn out your back pockets to get them to light up. Not the worst thing they sell, though—they're also shilling a reversible smoking jacket with "vagisoft" lining, which means exactly what you hope it doesn't.
This might be the stupidest thing I have seen in a long time. But, I appreciate the laugh!
With the back pockets out like that, where do they put their U-lock?
One pair of pants for all nighttime biking and cars would avoid me by smell alone.


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