If you'd be so kind, I need you to check the tool rental and see if they have
one of these,
and if so, how much per hour/day/week.

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As an ultralight it can be flown by anyone, no license required but you are limited airspace wise and when you can do it.

If it is registered as an experimental aircraft it can be flown according to the same laws as any other aircraft but not require a type certificate or many of the other things that make real airplanes cost big money.

H3N3 said:
So the article I linked is wrong about not needing a pilot's license?

notoriousDUG said:
It is an ultralight and therefore anyone can fly it provided they remain in the proper airspace.

Regardless of weight it can be registered as experimental and flown by anyone with a pilots license.

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
I'm sure they'll get on it once the jetpack is FAA approved.

Tony Adams said:
I've been waiting as patiently as I can for Google Maps to add "By Jetpack" to its direction options. But really, why must us jet packers always be so callously oppressed?
Mmmmm.... Decisions, decisions.... House or jetpack? I think I'd rather have the jetpack, but the wife would probably disagree...
Actually I saw this at the EAA Convention in Oshkosh a few years ago. It's really not a jet pack (ala James Bond type). While it is powered by a small jet engine it gets it's lift from fan blades in the two ducts. So it could be really called a turboprop or ducted fan. All snide remarks aside it is pretty neat especially if you're an aviation geek (my hands raised). I did question about face plants since the engineer in me thougth that would be the biggest problem for a novice.


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