How many women here have raced in the past 2 years? (tri doesn't count)

How many women might want to try racing? (again, tri doesn't count)

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sorry i'm a month late on this one (what else is new?) but someone told me to come hear cuz y'all were talking about this stuff.

i'm a co-founder of Half Acre Cycling. We're a team that does not have a women's program but does have women members. I say this because many teams will claim to have a "women's program" when really they mean they have members who are women. Our team does not have special sponsorship packages, a special training camp, or a separate development program for women. We also don't have 39874295 members, so it didn't make sense for us to do that. We're kind of lower key than that anyway. I'm kind of biased as well, and I am glad I'm on a small team where I know people, vs a huge team where you can get lost in the shuffle. My husband and I have both quit teams (in his case, several) to end up where we are now, quite happy about our current teams.

I've been around racing here, and previously in DC, for a good spell and I have my own ideas about why so few women toe the start line, but I'll say this. You do NOT need a team to race. You might be happier going to a race, meeting some folks, and seeing who you fit in with first. Joining a team is a time and $ commitment that you do not have to make if you choose not to.

I race MTB, as do the other women on my team. I raced track for one season and found getting to Northbrook too much of a pain. I've never raced road, but I've gone to cheer on teammates at plenty of road events. And I'm going to try my first CX race this weekend.
My team (TATI) isn't having a recruiting event like Half Acre (though it's a super cool idea, dang!) -- but if you're interested in racing and are a straight up novice -- we'll be at all of the remaining Chicago Cyclocross Cup series races, including the one in Carpentersville this weekend. If you want to just watch a women's race, the Pro/1/2/3 (higher level) riders always race at 11 and the Cat 4 (novice) riders race at noon. Cyclocross is a pretty good spectator's sport, so even if you're not racing -- there are plenty of things to see and do.

For the most part, if you are curious to learn more, I'm sure that you can chat up most of the racers from different teams, to (a) determine if a team makes sense at all for you and (b) which teams would be the best fit. Feel free to chat up any of the racers on my team -- they're all novices with less than one year's riding and so can relate to those of you just getting started.
Bringing the thread back, since this IS the time of year to get thinking about it if you want to race next year... teams/clubs recruit in fall, and most training plans for summer racing start in January!

We're hosting a women racers' social to make it possible for new folks to meet several teams/disciplines/ideas at once-- it's not a recruiting event, just a get-to-know-you and also a party for those of us who rarely see eachother once the season closes...

Specialized and Half Acre Beer Co. invite all Chicagoland women who race bikes or would like to learn more about it to gather for an off-season, spandex-free social night. Talk with women from many of the area’s clubs/teams, celebrate a successful 2009 season, learn a little about what’s ahead for 2010, get a hands-on look at the Specialized women’s line for 2010, go behind-the-scenes at the new Half Acre brewery, and enjoy beer, chocolate, and snacks served by Half Acre Cycling’s “podium men.”

Wednesday, November 4 7-8:30pm
at the Half Acre brewery, 4257 N. Lincoln
Free and open to all women who love bikes!
We do ask that you RSVP (to ensure enough chocolate!) to hello at halfacrecycling dot org.
I too am biased but think xXx is a great place to start. Email me at natalie dot evans at me dot com and we can chat. Racing is not as intimidating as you think! We can chat about why I think the women's fields are so small, why cyclocross is so awesome, why you should give racing a go, etc.

B said:
Yeah I'm with Tommie on getting into it with cyclocross. It's such a good vibe and the fields pretty much get strung out right from the get-go so there's no need to fear being the one person who fell off the pace and is riding around in circles by herself. At our Jackson Park CX race, there were 4 women I know personally who were doing their first race ever and each had a blast, planning on doing more.

The good news is that indeed there are a lot of women's programs in the area. Join a team if only to dip your toes into it. You'll find like minded women who will be enthusiastic about helping you figure stuff out.

Of course I'm biased, but I think xxx is a great place to start. For more info, come to a meeting (1st monday of every month @ goose Island on Clybourn), or email our women's program director Gigi: In '08 we had over 30 women on the team.

And yes do come out and try out our Sat ride. Really it's not that intimidating. Yes we'd like you to be able to change a flat in 5 minutes, but if you can't (you should learn), someone will help you out. True you may be riding next to pro's and elites, but they are on the ride to help noobs figure it out.

This fall you'll find Webcor pro and current U23 World TT Champion (former xxx'r) Rebecca Much out regularly on the ride and she's as happy as anyone to help you find your groove in a paceline.

I'm always happy to answer questions about our ride, our team in general, so don't hesitate to holler. If you come out on a ride, say hi.
Check out Spidermonkey Cycling:

The women that rode with Spidermonkey exploded in 2009 and I have not seen more women on a group ride before. They also have a women's only weekly morning ride that pulls in over 10 women at times.
Yeah, cycling and beer! What could be better?!

I do have a question though. Is there always a single speed category at all races? I found a single speed cross bike I'd like to get, but I heard that they combine male and female for the SS race. Is that true? Anyone know?

Julie P. said:
Bringing the thread back, since this IS the time of year to get thinking about it if you want to race next year... teams/clubs recruit in fall, and most training plans for summer racing start in January!
We're hosting a women racers' social to make it possible for new folks to meet several teams/disciplines/ideas at once-- it's not a recruiting event, just a get-to-know-you and also a party for those of us who rarely see eachother once the season closes... Specialized and Half Acre Beer Co. invite all Chicagoland women who race bikes or would like to learn more about it to gather for an off-season, spandex-free social night. Talk with women from many of the area’s clubs/teams, celebrate a successful 2009 season, learn a little about what’s ahead for 2010, get a hands-on look at the Specialized women’s line for 2010, go behind-the-scenes at the new Half Acre brewery, and enjoy beer, chocolate, and snacks served by Half Acre Cycling’s “podium men.”

Wednesday, November 4 7-8:30pm
at the Half Acre brewery, 4257 N. Lincoln
Free and open to all women who love bikes!
We do ask that you RSVP (to ensure enough chocolate!) to hello at halfacrecycling dot org.
Bump! Check the events....


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